Curiosity about iPhones

By Exodia, 25 December, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

Hey, I am just curious? What I need to sign into the same ID or can I create one separately if I was to get an iPhone for Christmas? My mom says she wants to get me one.



By jim pickens on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

Hi, if you are over 13 years of age, you can create an AppleID, if not, A parent, or guardian create an AppleID for you.

By Jeff on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

You can definitely log into the same Apple ID, my wife and I have done this since we both got iPhones. But there might be some disadvantages in your case if you share an Apple ID. Your contacts and calendars will be shared across devices. And all purchases will be associated with your mother's account, so if you purchase some apps that your mother doesn't need or want, you will have to repurchase them if you ever decide to get your own Apple ID.

Apple supports family sharing whereby you can create your own Apple ID and have your own calendars and contacts, and your purchases will remain with your Apple ID and your mother's purchases will remain with her Apple ID. But with family sharing you can also share some apps and subscriptions, such as an Apple Music subscription, between your separate Apple IDs. So, I'd recommend in your case that you get your own Apple ID right from the start.

By Exodia on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

I was wondering, is it possible to sign into that account on the iPhone without all the bombardment of iMessages and other notifications that I have received on my Ipad? I was wondering because I don't want all those notifications and messages to be blasting out loud and voiceover repeating them constantly when I set it up. I don't know if my mom wants to set it up while we're in the store or not. Plus, I kind of want to keep what I do on my iPad and what I do on my iPhone separate. I say that because, all the chatting and stuff will be done on my iPad, my iPhone will be mainly for family and possibly Facebook uses

By Exodia on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

Can you set up a new account on that phone? That way I can set it up while in the store if mom wants me to do it there? I'm way over 18 so I can do that. I plan to use my phone for texting and maybe learning to use blind friendly gps in my town. My IPad will be mostly for social media and chatting where as my phone will be mainly for keeping in contact with my family.