safari is not responding

By Pa. Joe, 18 December, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Does anyone know of a fix for, safari is not responding, and 90 percent loaded on the mac? Do I need to block something on a web page?



By Pax on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:43

It happens

By Manuel on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:43

On my M1 MacBook Air, the issue unfortunately occurs regularly. The longer Safari is open, the more likely the issue seems to occur.

By dog on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:43

two more questions:
1 - When does this happen? In some pages?, and
2 - Do you use ad blockers? If you don't use ad blockers, I'd recommend you to install them, makes web browsing a much better experience, faster and less annoying.

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:43

This is a problem with Safari v15 that has been discussed in at least two other forum topics. Here's one of them.

The problem was first reported in September, back when VoiceOver said "busy busy busy". Although an update changed Safari output to announce "Safari is not responding," the underlying problem has not changed.

Here is the underlying problem. Safari is functioning fine if you use it visually. However, VoiceOver hangs randomly on random pages for no apparent reason, blocking blind users from using web pages that are entirely accessible to sighted users. The content on the page is irrelevant; I just previewed this comment without issue, made some changes, and when I previewed it a second time, got "Safari is not responding" for three full seconds before I was able to complete my post.

There is no current fix, but there are workarounds.

  • Command-tab to another app, then back to Safari.
  • Turn off VoiceOver with Command+F5, then toggle it back on.
  • Be patient. Go to the toilet or pour a cup of coffee, and hope VoiceOver finishes doing whatever it's doing.

You're not alone. It's frustrating. But perhaps the most frustrating thing is that Safari and VoiceOver have had issue after issue for months now. Some issues get fixed, but new ones always rear up to take their place. It's tragic, because if it worked well, it would be the most accessible web browsing experience on the market, hands down.

By Pa. Joe on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:43

I am using Monterey, can you suggest an add blocker. I haven't used one in a while.
thanks for the responses

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:43

This Safari problem is unrelated to ads. I experience the issue right here on the AppleVis site, where there are no ads. An ad blocker is unlikely to help.