Screen sharing on Zoom

By Wenwei, 16 December, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi Everyone,

When I choose an app to share on Zoom, how can I quickly access that app and interact with it? It's so easy using JAWS, but I find the process more difficult using VO. I end up accidentally moving my VO focus to the desired app. Any help and suggestions you can offer will be much appreciated – thanks!



By Matthew Whitaker on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

Hi when you share an app, select it from the table that appears when you press command shift S. After using your navigation keys to select the app, uninteract with the table and go to share. Activate that button. At this point your screen will be displayed on everyone else's screen and he or she will be able to see what app you are sharing. Now all you have to do is command tab into the app you are sharing and you can use it normally. TO stop the screen share, command tab back into the Zoom meeting and press command shift S.
Hope this helps out.
Feel free to reach out if not. :-)

By Wenwei on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. I have been able to replicate your directions in the past. But when I command+tab after sharing my screen, I can command+tab to every single open app except the one I am actively sharing. This is what I haven't been able to figure out. I was wondering if you were able to successfully command+tab to your shared app–and if so, did you ever experience what I'm experiencing? If not, could it be a hardware issue that doesn't support accessible screen sharing? I know you need to own a specific model of iPad to take advantage of gesture support, for instance.

I have the latest version of Zoom installed.

Any further assistance would be appreciated.



Hi. Thanks for your reply. Oh no sorry to hear. What device are you using? A computer or iPad?

By Wenwei on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

In reply to by Matthew Whitaker

Hi, I use both a Macbook Pro late 2016 and an iPad Air 4. I can share and interact with my apps just fine on the iPad, both sharing OneDrive/iCloud content/safari and my entire screen in multi-tasking mode to keep my video feed on. I prefer not to share content on my iPad unless I don't need to do too much, except share a few photos, watch a video on a fully accessible app, or write down a few notes for someone to see. I would like to be able to fully interact with an app as expected on my Mac, but I cannot command+tab to it after it's shared. It's so strange.

Hi. Wow. Really strange. Can we chat about this via email if that's ok? We could get on Zoom and try to figure out how to fix this.

By Wenwei on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

In reply to by Matthew Whitaker

I'd be happy to chat with you via email if you're willing. I'll message you through AppleVis tomorrow.

By Matthew Whitaker on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

In reply to by Wenwei

Ok nice. How do you do that? I didn't know you could message people like that. :-)

By Wenwei on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:45

Yes. You can just click on user profiles and contact them that way. I'm just going to message you right now since I'm on my work computer and actually thinking about it.

By Just Another B… on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:45

MacBook Pro 2021 with OS 13.6 and VoiceOver
When I go to share my screen and check the box to also share audio, I notice that VoiceOver on my end goes much quieter then it was before I started screen sharing. Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround?

By Jimmy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:45

Hi. I've just double-checked once again. Zoom screen sharing is still working normally on my end.
Right after clicking the button to start sharing, the focus can misbehave a bit. Particularly, although the focus automatically lands on the app being shared, for some reason Voice Over can only interact with the Zoom window. But as soon as I Command-Tab to land the focus on Zoom, and then Command-Tab back, everything will work as expected.
Hope you will get it working again soon.

By Jimmy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:45

Hi, I remember I also had this issue on my previous MacBook Air Intel. But since moving on to the current MacBook M2, that's no longer the case for me.
I suspect that is something to do with the hardware limitation, bound to the on-board sound processing unit on the Intel CPU. But that's just a guess; don't quote me on this haha.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:45

This could be caused by a number of factors including, but not limited to:
• Video processing -- Is your Mac using dedicated or integrated graphics processing?
• CPU -- As we all know, the "M" series Macs run a lot better than the former intel-based Macs.
• Network -- Your bitrate can definitely make things sluggish when screen sharing over the inter webs.
• Resource management -- If you are running hardware-intensive applications in the background, this can also reduce your overall experience when screen sharing.

HTH. 🫤