AirPods Pro Question

By Maldalain, 11 December, 2021

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

I am planning to get the AirPods Pro. I have two questions before I eventually decide on proceeding with the purchase.
First, are there any known issues I need to be aware of?
Secod, will I be able to connec my iPhone, iPad Pro and iPad Mini with the AirPods without having to pair and unpair?



By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:43

Using iPod pro. No issues with listening to music, calls or sending messages via Siri with it. Yesterday Apple release 4C165 firmware for Ipods. Suppose to work well from one device to another. Last long and case is good regarding battery. Visited a friend and did not charge the case for 2 days and still working well. Enjoy them. Amazon suppose to reduce price by 75$

By DurDevil on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:43

Some of initial batches had a crackling noise, but its covered on warranty and believe its mostly fixed.

Pairing is simple, pick any apple device, open the AirPod case and a message pops up on the device, tap to pair. Done, it’s paired to your iCloud account so will work on all the devices you are signed into with your iCloud account. You just need to switch audio to different devices which is usually automatic if move to playing audio between them, or you can go in the control centre and switch. If using on your iPad for example and your phone rings it will automatically switch to your iPhone.


By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:43

In reply to by DurDevil

Does go from one device to another but was told at the apple store that the AirPod pro was not made for that. You do need to pair it manually, do not know if they work because I had not done it.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:43

The Airpods Pro have a defect where they can start crackling or not cancelling noise properly if you apply too much pressure to the stems. Last I checked, Apple had a service program to fix this. I'm not sure if it's still an issue with current batches. You also may or may not be able to get Find My AirPods to work. I haven't. When it comes to device switching, I find triggering Siri on the device you want to connect to is the most reliable for switching them over. Thanks to the magic of iCloud, they should automatically be paired with all supported Apple devices.

By Maldalain on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 07:43

Thanks all, I was thinking of getting the Galaxy Buds Pro instead but the ack of supporting app on iOS was holding me. Now I am sure about the switching thing, I will proceed and order the AirPods Pro