Any favorite IOS or MacOS extensions you would like to recommend?

By Bruce Harrell, 29 September, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi. I'm searching for handy IOS and MacOS extensions, so I thought I'd ask, what would you recommend? I have an Imac and an iPhone 10s.

Smile. Thank you!




By Jesse Anderson on Monday, October 11, 2021 - 07:08

If you are low vision user who likes dark modes, or dark themes, you may really like the Dark Reader extension. I have been using it on all of my PC's for the past couple of years. They have versions for Chrome, Safari, Edge, and FireFox. This extension turns all web page backgrounds to a dark gray, with light text, but doesn't invert pictures, kind of a smart invert. Occasionally, there will be web pages where a background or other page element will not appear correctly, so the contrast is bad, but Dark Reader can be quickly toggled on and off via a browser toolbar icon, or keyboard shortcut.

I haven't tried a Mac version, but with the release of IOS 15, Dark Reader is available for IOS Safari, and costs $4.00 or so. I bought it immediately, and love it. You do have to enable it under Safari settings, and also enable it for all sites, otherwise it will ask you for permission for each site you visit.

As a low vision user who uses a combination of VoiceOver and vision, I love the combination of the IOS dark theme, Dark Reader extension, and using Per App Settings to make other apps use smart invert. IOS 15 has made things more customizable for low vision users this time around.

By mr grieves on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:08

In reply to by Jesse Anderson

Just needed to add a +1 for Dark Reader. I've been using it for years in all sorts of browser. and can't speak highly enough of it. I bought it for the Mac a little while ago and was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't need to buy it a second time for my iPhone. I have started using VoiceOver on the iPhone so it's less important, but still nice not to have to shield my eyes if I end up looking at the screen. Your smart invert tip is also really good - I literally used it for the first time about 30 seconds before reading your post and it works great. My last phone was an Android specifically because iOS couldn't do this sort of thing so I'm really happy that it can now.

Sorry I know I'm not contributing anything new here but I couldn't miss the opportunity to give Dark Reader some love.

By Siobhan on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:08

It will put in coupon codes and automatically apply them. Best for Xmas shopping.

By dog on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:08

Vinegar extension is great:
The removal of in-video ads.
Prevent YouTube from tracking your play/pause/seek activities.
Restore picture-in-picture functionality.
The videos don’t stop playing if you switch to another browser tab.
You can choose the audio-only stream to keep the music playing when Safari is in the background.
