Introducing Pocket Recorder - Accessible Audio Recorder

By Andy, 16 August, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

We recently released an app called Pocket Recorder - Accessible Recorder by Sweetman Systems in the App Store. We know that there are many other recording apps currently in the App Store, but we have dedicated many hours to designing this app to be the easiest and most convenient app available to anyone with a visual impairment.
• Pocket Recorder’s menus are simple and easy to navigate.
• Icons are large and easy to find.
• Recordings are automatically uploaded to any device linked to your Dropbox account.
• Connect any iOS compatible braille display for easy editing and navigating.
• A simple, two finger double tap allows you to enter recording titles with your voice, rather than using the phone’s keyboard.
To find Pocket Recorder in the App Store open the link below on your mobile device or search for “Pocket Recorder Sweetman Systems” in the App Store.



By Justin Philips on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

I am afraid you are out of luck!

By KE7ZUM on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

If this app is abandoned, can someone mark it as such? If the OP is around, can they do it? This way it will prevent confusion.

What?? I’ve been using pocket recorder almost daily since 2016 and it is one of the most valuable tools on my phone. Am I to understand that if I upgrade to iOS 15 the App will simply stop functioning? That seems crazy. On Windows I can continue to use applications written for earlier versions of the operating system. Is that not true for iOS? I can’t imagine customers will just be left high and dry. To my knowledge, there is no other app that’s as simple and elegant when it comes to quickly capturing a recording on iPhone. It would be a shame to know longer have access to this tool. Has anybody reached out to the developer?

By Dan A on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

In reply to by Justin Philips

Why am I out of luck? What is the relationship between iCloud and the App Store?

By Sergey on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

Just wonering why developers of this app so much concentrated on Dropbox support?
For instance I have 2 tb in my iCloud, so it would be natural for me to have an option to store my recordings there.

By GraLan on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

This app is not new
I have owned it for years
The problem is that it doesnt sync across devices with iCloud or Dropbox but you can upload to Dropbox
This just a recycle