Playing Chess on the Mac and iOS

By Ekaj, 5 December, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all. Subject line pretty much sums it up. A sighted neighbor would like to start playing chess with me, or so he says. I've briefly checked out the chess app that is included on my Mac and it seems pretty accessible. But for those of you who play the game, is this a viable enough way to learn it or would I be better off with a website such as Lichess? He recommends that one and it seems to be a bit cluttered but pretty VoiceOver friendly.



By Gabriele Battaglia on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

Hi and thanks for this message.
I'm a chess player too and I like very much when I discover some other friend passionated to this game which is the most beautiful in the world, to me.
Friend, che MacOS Chess app is a toy, leave it.
Much, much better is Chess Studio by Mr. Giordano Vicoli, under iOS.
But, once you've learnt the rules and did some practice, there are two things to do: play in Lichess and subscribe the Open d'Aurec tournament by Olivier De Ville, google it to get all the info.
Enjoy and contact me of forum, if you wish more information.

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

In reply to by Gabriele Battaglia

Did it in High School when I was sighted. I I was not an experct but did like it. How accessible is the appp and how much?

By Gabriele Battaglia on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

Hi. If you refer to Chess Studio the App is nearly 100% accessible. I'm in touch with the developer from years, we exchange mail almost every day and often we talk by phone. Every problem I found in these last 3 or 4 years have been solved.
He develops also a similar application for MacOS which is called Chess Lab but I like it less then it for iOS.
Chess studio is a complete suite to play, watch games, study openings, middle games and finals. It contains the most strong engine all over the world, Stofish 14 equiped with neural network with express about 3450 Elo in strenth, dipending on your machine power.

By Ramy on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

I love playing chess, and i did not play it on any mobile or computer, only On a chess bord.
but, I need to gain more information, stratigies etc, so will try this great app.
thanks so much

By Ekaj on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

Is Chess Studio free? I'm hopefully getting an Apple Gift card or 3 for Christmas.

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

I also would like to know.

By Ali Colak on Saturday, December 11, 2021 - 07:51

A piece of advice, you might find the board easier to navigate on IOS if you have vertical navigation turned on in the router.

By Jim Homme on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:51

There is also a light version of Chess Studio. It has advertizements and less features.

By Jim Homme on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:51

I just downloaded Chess Studio for iOS on my iPhone 10R and couldn't get past the first screen no matter what I tried.