Description of App
Authy brings the future of two-factor authentication to the convenience of your iPhone or iPad.
The Authy app generates secure 2 step verification tokens on your device. It help’s you protect your account from hackers and hijackers by adding an additional layer of security.
Why Authy is the best multi factor authentication app:
- Secure Cloud Backups:
Did you lose your device and got locked out of all of your accounts? Authy provides secure cloud encrypted backups so you will never lose access to your tokens again. We use the same algorithm banks and the NSA use to protect their information.
- Multi Device Synchronization:
Are your re-scanning all your QR codes just to add them to your tablet and smartphone? With authy you can simply add devices to your account and all of your 2fa tokens will automatically synchronize.
- Offline:
Still waiting for an SMS to arrive? do you travel constantly and lose access to your accounts? Authy generates secure tokens offline from the safety of your device, this way you can authenticate securely even when in airplane mode.
- All of your accounts:
We support most major multi-factor authentication accounts including Facebook, Dropbox, Amazon, Gmail, and thousands of other providers. We also support 8 digit tokens.
- Protect your bitcoins:
Authy is the preferred two factor authentication solution to protect your bitcoin wallet. We are the default 2fa provider for trusted companies like Coinbase, CEX.IO, BitGo and many others.
- What is two factor authentication?
"Two-factor authentication is one of the best things you can do to make sure your accounts don't get hacked" - LifeHacker
Are you a fan of Authy?
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Using Authy
Can someone please give me some guidance on using this app? If I try to enter a key manually I just received an error that the key is invalid. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Is this app for storing the recovery keys?
Can no longer recommend
I'm not sure what is to blame, iOS or the app itself, but this app is now a pain to use under iOS 15.
I have a feeling that iOS 15 is to blame, because there were no new updates to the app around the time when the iOS 15 beta came out, but I'm not sure. All I know is that it was working fine under iOS 14.
Love the app, recently used…
Love the app, recently used it to log back into my twitch, and it worked fine.
I'm using it right now as I type this
It's on my 13 pro max running iOS 15.1 and it works fine. The most annoying thing is I can't open it with voice commands because Siri insists that I'm saying Aussie and not authy.
Fixed by reinstalling
As a last resort, I reinstalled the app, and now VoiceOver is reading it again. No idea what caused this,. I'm just glad it's working.
I Think I Found the Issue
So after tried this trick before to fix Authy and having it failed on me, I thought I'd try it once more.
Surprisingly, this time, it worked beautifully. Well, until I went into Settings, Security and tried enabling "Protect Entire App". Once this was toggled on, the glitch came back. Luckily though, using Screen Recognition, I was able to disable this option and all returned back to normal.
The only downside now, I tried looking in the app for contact information to see if I could send them this bit of information in the hopes that they could correct it so we could enable this setting again without the app glitching on us.
I will have to go on the developer's website to see if I can contact them from there.
Wow, good work. This happens for me as well. The app was working fine for me with "protect entire app" enabled, but not after I closed it from the app switcher, then relaunched it. As soon as I disabled this option, then force-closed and relaunched it, the app became usable without screen recognition again.
I just installed the app and I'm kind of curious. Do I actually need to enter in my real number or can I just use one as like a pin number? Because it says, let's turn this device into a cell phone. Is this another one of those phone apps where you can get a certain number?
No, it is an autho app…
No, it is an autho app where you get a code and you put the code into apps such as twitch, YouTube etc. I use it for twitch only.