Siri voice keeps switching in iOS 15

By peter, 18 October, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

Since installing iOS 15 and the last two updates to iOS 15, I am noticing that the voice used for Siri keeps switching.

I have always been using the high quality Alex voice both for Voiceover and Siri.

After installing iOS 15, however, every once in a while Siri answers a query with a really unusual female voice that sounds kind of robotic.

In fact, I have several shortcuts that I made that go through several questions and answers before completing. Siri asks the first question in the Alex voice, and then Siri asks the next question in this other unusual voice. Prior to iOS 15 Siri only spoke with the Alex voice.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and, if so, is there a fix?





By John Hope on Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 01:39

I can't answer your question, but have a quick question for you...

How do you configure Siri to use Alex? I had always thought that you could only use the Siri-specific voices, so would love to know how to take Siri for a spin with some of the VoiceOver voices.

I hope that somebody else can help with your own question ☺️

By peter on Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 01:39

To change the Siri voice go to:
Siri and Search under settings
Flick down to Siri Voice and activate.

In there you can pick the Siri voice for your language.

Way down at the bottom of the list of languages there is another heading which one can easily miss. The heading is called "Voice".

Under the "Voice" heading there are buttons to choose voice 1, voice 2, voice 3, or voice 4. The names of these voices are not spoken, but when you activate each you can hear what they are. I believe that Alex is voice 1.


By Roxann Pollard on Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 01:39

Hello Peter. I, too, have noticed SIRI trying to talk in different voices. I haven't figured out why nor do I have a solution sorry to say. Here's to hoping a fix comes soon.