Web browsing on iPad Pro

By PinkCupcake5, 12 September, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

Hi! I just got a new iPad Pro, but I am finding navigating websites to be very tedious. I looked at the keyboard shortcuts on Apple’s website that apply to iPads, but there aren’t that many of them. For those of you who have been using iPad for a while, any tips or tricks to be more efficient? Do you use Safari or chrome and why?



By Andy Lane on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:31

Hey, for a list of keyboard shortcuts in most apps including safari just hold the command key, a list will pop up. You can also use voiceover to navigate by headings, form controls, buttons, lists etc by enabling quick nab. VO Q

By Labsii on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:31

If you are after reading news you may want to use my app Speech Central (well not just news you can also read forums like this and many other types of web sites but the limit is that you can't fill the forms without opening Safari again from the app). Speech Central it is completely free if it is used with VoiceOver.

App Store link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/speech-central-voice-reader/id1127349155

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:31

Hi there!

I've got a couple tips. One of them I will warn you, will set you back about $10 USD. But, I can assure you, it's worth it. But, you don't have to take my word it. There's a podcast that is on it, and that's what convinced me. Ok, here are the tips.

1. Enable links, headings, form controls, and you can even enable navigation by visited and non-visited links if you so desire on your rotor.
Heading navigation will be your best friend.

2. You might want to get a few browsers. I use Safari for my browsing primarily. But, there have been times that some websites refuse to play nicely with it. So, I've opened a website in Microsoft Edge for example. It worked like a charm! Here's the browsers I'd recommend you get. They're all free and accessible. Although they may take you a bit to learn.

1. Microsoft Edge
2. Duckduckgo
3. Opera
4. Firefox
5. Google Chrome

I'd say get all of these because for 2 reasons.
• a website might not play nice with one browser, but will with another Also, you might find that you prefer one browser over another. For me though, I still use Safari primarily. Because it's accessible, and 98% of the time, things go smoothly.
• One browser may have a set of features or one feature in particular you may want/need on certain sites.

2. This next tip will cost you $10 USD. But, it's worth it. There's a podcast on this, on here, and, that's what settled it for me. My second tip is:

Get an adblocker. Specifically, get Adguard Pro. It's accessible, and it blocks things like ads, trackers, and other nonsense from websites. It does this by putting a local virtual private network or VPN on your Ipad. Although you can use your own VPN service with it if you have one or choose to do so.

Also, it offers a few other features like letting you choose your DNS provider, family shield, if you either want to block bad stuff for yourself or certain family members, etc.

While I don't use a keyboard with my Ipad, I have been using an Ipad for 5 years now. And, these are the things that I've found that have served me well over the years.

Also, and, someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but, I think you can customize keyboard commands, along with other commands. Not sure if/how much this will will help you, but, I think it's worth a shot.

Hope this helps, congrats on your new Ipad, and, most importantly, good luck! :-)

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:31

Here's the link the podcast on Adguard Pro.

If you'd rather not spend that kind of money, or if you don't have it to spend, I get it. And there might be free options available that work for you. However, since purchasing this in June, I've seen better results with this, than with Purify. But, here's the link for the podcast on this app so you can take a look @ it.


Hope this helps! :-)

By Maldalain on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:31

web browsing on the iPad is just similar to web browsing on other platforms and screen readers. Navigation elements are the same, commands are almost the same. So maybe you did not activate single key navigation, this will save you time and effort navigating your web pages. Also for the comment about web browsers, I agree, get as many as you can.

By Sergey on Monday, October 11, 2021 - 07:31

I personaly like using Google Chrome for browsing the web on my iPad. I like it because it treats focus much better than Safari.
For example, when I open a link here, on the AppleVis site with Chrome, the focus is placed directly at the top of publication and I can immediately start reading. In Safari in this case the behaviour of focus is unpredictable. In most cases you need to go to the top of page and use navigation by heading to go to the start of publication.
What I don't like about Google Chrome is that I can go to the previous page only by locating the "Back" button on the screen. Z-gesture, Escape key or combination on my Braille device which should perform the "go back" function just do not work.

By PinkCupcake5 on Monday, October 11, 2021 - 07:31

Turning on quick navigation doesn’t always work. And sometimes, when I click on edit fields, it’ll still not let me type anything. Might just be a bug but I’m pretty new to the iPad and could use any tips or tricks

By Yvonnezed on Monday, October 11, 2021 - 07:31

I know, I sound like a broken record, but the keyboard isn't the answer to everything, especially when you're talking about an iPad and efficiency. Sometimes, knowing where something is and touching the screen as close to that thing as possible works far better. All that being said, as someone said earlier, heading and link navigation are your best friend, to the point where I've created myself a custom gesture to navigate by heading.

I don't know about alternative browsers, though, for me it's pretty much always Safari.

By PinkCupcake5 on Monday, October 11, 2021 - 07:31

On the apple website, it says single key navigation can be used when web browsing. Can this be done on apps as well? I find that it sometimes works but can be inconsistent.
Relatedly, is there an easy way to jump between multiple parts of an app. For example, in the messages app, the screen shows both the message list and the current conversation. Same with mail.

By PaulMartz on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:31

Add Containers to your rotor. Then flick up or down to jump between parts of an app, such as within Settings or Mail (which are the two apps where I use this feature the most).

By Ryder on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:31

I just tired Speech Central mentioned in this thread and like it so much I opted for the pro version. I do have Voice Dream reader, writer and scanner but Speech Central works better for me in some instances. Reading a forum like this is a perfect example. I don’t use Voiceover at this point but can’t read any normal print or web pages without enlarging the text quite a bit. Speech Central really helps me and I am happy to pay the $8 for the pro version.