iPhone Reflections

By Ekaj, 30 June, 2021

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi everyone. I just received the below link yesterday in an email, and wanted to pass it on. I'm wondering if anybody's seen this. Regarding my experience with the iPhone, it has truly been great. I'm not as well-versed as a lot of people are on iOS, but I've been super impressed with it thus far and am looking forward to the future. Isn't it ironic that we're on iOS 14? I'd write more, but am going somewhere in a bit and need to get ready. But long live iOS and Apple as a whole! https://9to5mac.com/2021/06/29/14-years-ago-today-iphone-changed-the-world-relive-some-of-that-magic-through-photos-videos-and-more/ .



By KE8UPE on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 07:48

The iPhone™ is incredible, and so is 9to5mac!
I got my very first iPhone; an iPhone 4, for my 16th birthday.
Thereafter, I got the iPhone 4s.
Following that, I got the iPhone 5.
I had that for a year or 2, then got a 5s.
After having that for another year or 2, I got a 6+.
At the time, it was the biggest iPhone I had ever owned.
From there, I got a 6s+, then a 7+, once they came out.

Thereafter, I had the iPhone X, then the 11, and now the 12 pro max.

Of all the iPhones I’ve owned, my current phone; the 12 pro max is my favorite!
I even got my favorite color, blue.

By Ann Marie B on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 07:48

Kudos to 9-5 mac for the first iPhone reviews. I am amazed on how far Apple has come with the launch of the very first iPhone. I got my first iPhone 4S in 2013, then the 5s in 2014, followed by the 6S in 2015, the XR in 2018, and now have the 12. The development of voiceover has enabled me to use the iPhone independently and I never looked back. :)

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 07:48

I also got the 4. 4s, 5, 6, 7, XS, 11 pro max and now 12 pro. I also have Series 5 and Airpod pro. I was hoping to get the next if it have finger print but I hear will not. Next iPhone on 22 might. Great phone but they do need to start to address voiceover instead of giving us features. I prefer that they ad voices and focus on bugs. Beside most features are nice but how many people use them? I use the backtap but no more. It was a nice thing.

By kevinchao89 on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 07:48

Ever since I got the iPhone 3GS that first had VoiceOver, which changed my life in amazing and wonderful ways, I've been able to benefit and value through opportunities and experiences of getting a new iPhone each year. It's mind blowing each time, including the current iPhone 12 Pro with LiDAR and the AI/ML, especially how VoiceOver works with them.

By Dominic on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:48

It has helped me so much through my nearly 7 years of using Apple
Thank you Steve Jobs❤️

By Ekaj on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:48

Yup folks, believe it or not I'm still using my first one. I suppose I was a late comer to iOS, having started on the iPhone 7 in 2018. I just saw that my post of a few years ago was updated with a new comment, so had to reply. My parents and I were more than a bit skeptical, but that changed when they spoke with my brother. He has been an iPhone user for several years, and uses VoiceOver. I don't know which series he's using now, nor which one he started out with. But he referred us to the Guild for the Blind here in the Chicago area, now Second Sense. I previously went there before the name change. My mother and I met with David the former head of their technology department, who connected us with Marv. I had 2 very helpful sessions with Marv, who is also a VoiceOver user and did a nice job getting me up and running. The rest as they say, is history. My brother also told me about the wonderful website known as AppleVis, and I've learnt a lot indeed. Tbh I think I've become an iPhone addict already, and I haven't even gotten my second one! Definitely agree that these things are life-changing! To those naysayers including a sighted personal assistant of mine, I only have this to say. Just sit back, take a deep breath, close your eyes for a moment or 5, grab yourself a copy of one of the great 3rd-party apps out there such as Seeing AI or Weather Gods, open it, and let the magic happen. I think you'll be pretty impressed at what it can do for you. Btw, I'm in no way attempting to bash my personal assistant. He and I have been working together since the end of 2005, and he's helped me out a lot ever since. He's just one of those people who doesn't care much for Apple, and at the end of the day there's nothing wrong with that.