Logic Pro 10.6 is out! Here are the latest Accessibility improvements

By David Earl, 12 November, 2020

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all,

The latest update of Logic Pro has been released!

This update allows Logic Pro to run on Apple silicon. There are MANY enhancements and fixes.

Here's the latest on the accessibility front:

VoiceOver now announces the status Track Record Enable.

VoiceOver now announces readout values for the Level Meter and Loudness Meter plug-ins in Controls View.

VoiceOver no longer announces audio regions as muted when they are on tracks with no output assigned.

The EQ tab in Smart Controls is now accessible with VoiceOver

VoiceOver now announces the solo and mute state of tracks when using the up/down arrows to navigate through the track header.

VoiceOver now announces the number of record-enabled tracks when the Track Header group is selected.

It is now possible to access the Logic Pro legacy plug-ins using VoiceOver.

Take good care, and enjoy!

-David Earl
Product Manager for Logic Pro



By Mitchell on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

I'm looking forward to seeing the fixes.
Thank you again for continuing to provide status updates on Logic Pro.

By Matthew Whitaker on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

Great! Thank you so much! :-)

By Mlth on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

Very cool! Thanks for keeping us posted - it is much appreciated!

I'm looking forward to taking it for a spin!


By John Gurd on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

It’s also brilliant not stressing about whether to update in case accessibility gets broken in part or whole. And at least if something is unintentionally broken we know it will be fixed. Thanks again. ☺️

By John Gurd on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

Accidentally posted same comment twice. Can’t see a way to delete, only edit it. Hence this.

By Liam on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the updates, appreciate that you take the time to post on here for us all.
The most recent update has introduced a few bugs that has made it not very usable for me atm. I had a backup of 10.5.1 on an external drive but has failed :( Can you please help me figure out a way to get back onto 5.1?
At the moment with the komplete kontrol bug, it has made Logic extremely less usable for me.
Also, the ability to use voiceover to activate the text fields in controls view to enter parameter values has been broken. This means that third party plugins that move in incredible small increments are now also even less usable than they already were. Also slows down a lot of working in general.

Still really happy to see all the updates though, a lot of them are very very welcome, especially tracks being announced when scrolling up and down. I’d still absolutely love to see automation be made a lot easier though.

Hope you’re well and hope to hear back from you.

By Macky on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

Thanks David. I jumped ship from Pro Tools to Logic Pro after your post a few months ago re version 10.5 and I've been very impressed with the accessibility and I haven't looked back. I'd love a little bit more on Flex Pitch and Flex Time in the future, but very much looking forward to downloading 10.6

By Adrian Wyka on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

Where can I download trial version 10.6?
On the Logic website. 10.5.1 is available

By Mattia on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:48

Hello David and thank you for your work on accessibility. I want to know, if it is possible, how can I work with Logic's Sampler. In particular, I can not load samples from the Plug in interface, as I did until Logic Pro 10.4. I can't also modify mapping of a particular instrument or a new sample. All I can do is create a new instrument with just one sample, from a region, by pressing ctrl+E. Thank you very much for your attention.

By Jim Homme on Friday, June 11, 2021 - 07:48

Hi David,

Thanks so much for your help with making Logic accessible. I can't tell you the amount of enjoyment it has brought me so far.

I'm pretty new to Logic, and I just realized I posted in the wrong thread. I posted two accessibility issues that apply to this version of Logic.

The first is that I have not yet found an accessible way to work with the Arranger track. The second is that when you go to the Drummer editor and open up the Swing and Quantize group, the button on the far right does not speak its state. The third is that when you press the button I just mentioned and go into the area in the Drummer Editor where you can adjust the High-hat and so forth, if you uncheck the Automatic checkbox, you see that the High-hat slider is labeled, but the other two sliders are not.



By Jim Homme on Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 07:48

Working with tracks such as the Arrangement track exposes a lack of VO and keyboard support for such things as placing, inserting, copying, and deleting arrangement markers. Logic has assignable keyboard commands for some of the functions, but much of this functionality must be done via mouse. I have not yet worked with the other global tracks, so can't comment on them yet, but so far, I have not been able to copy, insert, and move arrangement markers. Hoping this great feature can get some accessibility love.

