Audiobooks no longer sync to my iPhone.

By Shersey, 16 February, 2013

iOS and iPadOS
I don't know what broke the sinking of my audiobooks to my iPhone, iTunes 11 or iOS six, but I can no longer sync selected audiobooks playlists To my iPhone. Not omly that, but I can't even find the audiobooks after clicking on the "Books" tab (What screen readers call a radio button), of my iPhone. I know the sink audiobooks checkbox is checked, because there are two radio buttons which pop up; one is called "sync all audiobooks," and the other is called "sync selected audiobooks." I want the sink selected playlists option back. Only, in tabbing all around the window, I don't see any list of playlists, like I used to in iTunes 10. There used to be a Treeview thing, where I could press space on a checkbox for each playlist. That option seems to have disappeared in iTunes 11 for audiobooks, even though it's present for music. I'm stuck, here. If anyone knows how to fix this, I would be extremely grateful for directions. Thanks, Shersey



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Monday, March 11, 2013 - 07:38

you have to open itunes 11 on you're computer then go to devices select you're iPhone then tap to the radio button books then sync selected audiobooks witch is the new option in iTunes 11 then tab to apply.
I dont know what I could have done to make it go away, but it's gone! And I'm not sure how to get it back. Has anyone ever had this problem before? I'm running iTunes 11.1 or something like that; I know it's the latest version, though, because I just checked for an update. I'm also running iOS 6.1. I haven't updated to iOS 6.1.1 yet. By the way, when I did press the "Sync selected books" radio button, the list that was labeled audiobooks only displayed pdf's and iBooks, no audiobooks. Thanks, Shersey
I hate iTunes for things like the subject says. The only thing I have successfully synced was my music. Apps get screwed up all the time and are never put back in place in case of restoring. yes, a backup was done before restoring. I love these apps where you can log on to an ftp server or your computer and download what you want. I'm just saying...
Accordingly, I have now selected the "Sync selected audiobooks" radio button, but I still don't see any audiobooks listed, just iBooks and PDFs. I'm stuck, still, but at least the books tab is showing up at all. If anybody can help me figure out where my audiobooks list is, I'd be grateful. Thanks, Shersey
Good lord I thought I was the only one having this problem.The only thing I'm having problem I'm having as of late is syncing my audiobooks as well. The majority of my books I buy from iTunes. I have tried doing the selected audiobooks options (which is what I typically do anyway considering the number of books I have) but of the 47 book I have only about a dozen of them will actually sync when select the sync all selection. One thing I have tried is going to the "View" drag down menu and select view sidebar. From there click on books and just drag and drop the book on the phone and it will "force sync" it to your phone. Again this didn't completely solve my problem as I could only do this with some of the many books that won't sync via normal means. I, too, am at a loss as to what to do. Oddly all of the audiobooks files play perfectly fine on the computer. They just won't sync to the phone anymore. I have an iPhone 4 newest updates and all. I've been reading of people having this same problem with 4S phones as well as 5's.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Saturday, May 11, 2013 - 07:38

I think you have to select sync select audiobooks then tab to apply.

By BigRube on Saturday, May 11, 2013 - 07:38

This is what worked for me after 2 hours of trying everything. Please bare with the slowness that this MOP unravels. First, this might sound dubious, but I had to make sure I was connected to the internet (Not sure if it is relevant but I did notice that when it did work I was online where as previously I was not) Once you are online: - Open iTunes - Plug in and allow iTunes to connect to your phone Once you are connected to your iPhone, you should see your music from the phone is available. Underneath the tabs on the far left (File, edit, view, etc.) - Click the drop down box that says music - Select books You'll see you are in the section for audiobooks. If you have not already added your file to iTunes you can do that now by selecting add file to library from the file tab or if you use audible manager it will automatically add to iTunes - Go to the far right of iTunes, just below the "search library" box, you should see the tab that says iPhone with the eject button - Click on the tab, making sure to not click the eject button (it will disconnect your phone from iTunes) Now that you have clicked the iPhone tab, you should have access to all info on your phone. - Go to the far left of iTunes, just below where your "personal iPhone name should be" i.e. Bob's iPhone 4s - Find the tab that says books and select - Go to the far right of iTunes and select the tab that says "add to" (looks like a playlist icon) Once selected, you should see your music files again and on the far right you'll see a separated section that shows your iPhone name and storage usage with the list of tabs. - Go back to the far left of iTunes and select the drop down box once again, selecting books from the list - In the center of iTunes, select the tab "list" (it's easier to see different parts of the books you're looking for) - Highlight the part you would like to add to your phone, hold and drag to the right hand section with your phone info. (you should see a blue box highlight around all the tabs. This indicates you CAN drop) Once you drop the file, iTunes should automatically start syncing 1 0f 3. After it is complete if you click on the books tab on the right hand side, you should see that your items are transferred. If you then go to your phone and open the iPhone music app - Select more - Select audiobooks (it will now be added, where as previously if you did not have books on it wasn't present) - Select your book by how ever many parts you add. I hope this helps. I apologize for the extreme childish nature this presents to advanced users, but hopefully you'll see it more as tracking simple mistakes. Thanks, Ruben

By Wendy on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 07:38

In reply to by BigRube

I had always been able to sync audiobooks by choosing the option to select which audiobooks I wanted, then select sync, but now after ios6 and ITunes 11, it would show me my books, but it wouldn't accept any checks marks by them. Your method worked like a charm. Thank you for the detailed explanation - one note, if you are using the sidebar view - selecting the options will work a little differently. Thanks, Wendy

By EileenHughes (not verified) on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:38

I had the same issue before. Audiobooks can't seem to be syncing on my phone. I went to the technician and have it solved. Check out the post right here. This also helped me in understanding how audiobooks work.