Logic Pro X version 10.5 is out! With many enhancements for VoiceOver users

By David Earl, 12 May, 2020

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi everyone,

David Earl here, and I am the Product Manager for Logic Pro X for Apple.

We are releasing version 10.5 of the software today, and it is the biggest change in a very long time.

We are doing our best to be sure that we are addressing accessibility in Logic, and with all of the new features I just wanted to let you know that we have addressed these issues:

• VoiceOver now properly announces the first column in the Loop Browser.

• VoiceOver now announces the state of the Direct Monitoring button in the Mixer.

• VoiceOver no longer announces disclosure triangles in Inspectors as button.

• VoiceOver now positions plug-ins in the correct slots when inserting more than three plug-ins consecutively.

• The Part box in the Score is now accessible with VoiceOver.

• VoiceOver now announces the note position and pitch in linear view in the Score.

• The pop-up menu for creating a Software instrument no longer requires a mouse click interaction with VoiceOver.

• Filter by Type in the Loop Browser now supports VoiceOver.

• Fixes an issue where channel strips sometimes remain unexpectedly selected when navigating the Mixer using VoiceOver.

• VoiceOver now speaks the track name when using the up and down arrows to navigate the track list.

We are also implementing a lot of accessibility features in the new Live Loops area of Logic and there will be many more enhancements coming.

I hope that you enjoy the New Logic, and please also feel free to reach out to me and the team about accessibility related issues.

Take good care!


email: dgearl@apple.com



By Ferran on Sunday, April 11, 2021 - 07:38

I have to learn how to use logic . The only things I can do is : open a template and change the instruments but I can only find the ones that are in the lybrary . So helpme please use logic .
I wil be dong all of the edits / mixing on rper but : recording and all of that I will try to doit in logic or something
Thanks a lot

By Jim Homme on Friday, June 11, 2021 - 07:38

I have not yet found an accessible way to work with the Arranger track. Has anyone been able to do this?



By Jim Homme on Friday, June 11, 2021 - 07:38

In the Drummer Editor, there is a button whose state is not spoken, which activates a set of three sliders. Two of them are not labeled. To see this, do the following.

Create a Drum track.

Browse to the Drummer Editor.

Go into the group that allows you to pick variations of instruments.

Go to the Swing and Quantize group.

To the far right is a button. The state of that button is never spoken.

Activate the button.

Go into the group where you can adjust the High-hat.

Turn off the Automatic checkbox.

You now see a group of three sliders. The one on the right is labeled High-hat. The other two are unlabeled.

