Accessibility with Firefox

By Matthew Whitaker, 29 March, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello everyone. Hope all is well.
I recently was trying out Firefox on my Mac. Any tips for a first time user of the program? My main browser is Safari.
One thing that I will say that's annoying is that when I close the app using command Q, it doesn't close... I then have to press command option escape and close it that way. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thank you so much



By Matthew Whitaker on Sunday, April 11, 2021 - 07:43

Hi. Here's an update... it seems as if the app is closing like it's suppose to be. Still, I'm a bit worried it may go back to what it was doing before... any advice would be helpful.
Thank you so much

By Matthew Whitaker on Sunday, April 11, 2021 - 07:43

Hi. Here's another update... I think I figured out that when I pressed Command Q, there was a box I had to uncheck that warned me when closing the app.
Now the only issue I'm having now is when I press my keyboard shortcut to open the app set by Voiceover utility, the app doesn't open correctly... Voiceover says that Firefox has no windows. When I open the app from the doc, it opens correctly.
Any help would be great.
Thank you