App for downloading audio of Youtube videos on IOS / iPad OS

By Matthew Whitaker, 9 March, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

Hello Everyone. Hope all is well.
Does anyone know of an app for downloading the audio of a YouTube video to your device on IOS or iPad OS? I've been looking for an app like that.
Thank you so much. :-)



By MHicok on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

Documents by Readdle allows you to extract audio from video. You can also download a YouTube video with the in app browser as well. Once the YouTube video is downloaded you can then create an audio only mp3.

By Matthew Whitaker on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

In reply to by MHicok

Oh ok nice. Thank you so much.
For everyone else, feel free to comment on this post with other app suggestions. :-)

By Liviu Serea on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

Howdy. I read above the Documents by Readdle application
. I searched for it in the App Store, but it may not be valid for my region? can you please please attach someone a download link! Thank you very much.

By Matthew Whitaker on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

In reply to by Liviu Serea

Hi. Even if someone attaches a link for you to download the app, it still may not work since it's not available where you are.

By Jo Billard on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

Sometimes YouTube Music has videos, but you can set that to play only audio. Would that help?

By Earth on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

you can use shortcuts to download both the video or the audio from YouTube.

By Maldalain on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

In reply to by Earth

Would you please provide details about how to perform this with the Shortcuts? I would be really grateful!

By Esan on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51
There are a bunch here. I use SMD.

By Blind angel 444 on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

mp3 YouTube No adds or pop ups and it works with all major web browsers too.

By Jurgen on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

In reply to by Blind angel 444

Just tried it and after clicking convert a popup appeared which informed me my iPhone would have been hacked. All I need to do was to download a security app in maximum 2 minutes.
Sorry but it's not OK to recommend a web page like this.

By Matthew Whitaker on Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 07:51

In reply to by Blind angel 444

I've tried some form of an Online MP3 converter on my Mac... don't remember which one though. I'm curious about this one though. Thanks for suggesting it.