Issues purchasing a song on iTunes using my iPhone

By Sabrina, 2 February, 2021

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

So I was going to buy a song from iTunes. I did the regular thing, pressed the price and then gave my touch ID. The money was there. Then, when I looked for it in music it wasn't there. In iTunes store it said purchased but was not in my music. I looked at hidden purchases but I didn't see it there. Then I looked at purchase history and found it saying pending. How can I fix that? The money I had was gone after the purchase.



By Ashleigh Piccinino on Saturday, February 20, 2021 - 19:08

This question wil not be answered here, at least by me/it's in the wrong forum. you need to scroll up one to "iOS and iPad OS.
Thank you for asking, though/not sure how to fix your issue.