I would like tips and tricks on how to make the battery life

By Sabrina, 25 January, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

I have an iPhone that is very new. I would like advice to be .able to reduce draining. The phone is brandy new. I would like advice, and lots of it



By Isaac Hebert on Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 07:51

There are several methods that you can use to improve your battery life. First, one of the methods that can be used to improve your battery life is turning down the brightness on your iPhone. To turn down your brightness, go to settings and then go to display and brightness. Next swipe until you find the screen brightness slider and then swipe down to lower the brightness. The next way of improving your battery life is to adjust how often the mail app checks for mail and turning off push. To adjust these settings, go to settings. Next go to mail. Next swipe until you find accounts and then double tap to select it. Next swipe until you find fetch new data and then double tap. Now you can turn off push. To turn off push, swipe until you find push and then double tap to turn off push. Then you can set how often you want the mail app to check for new mail. There are several options of time that you can choose from when determining how often mail checks for new emails. The options are as follows: hourly, every 30 minutes, or every 15 minutes. To choose either of these options, swipe until you find the option that works for you, and double tap to select it. Another method that you can use to save battery life is not having blue tooth on all of the time. Bluetooth is constantly searching for devices to connect to and this type of activity is also draining battery life. To turn off Bluetooth, go to settings and then go to Bluetooth. Next swipe until you find the Bluetooth on switch and then double tap to turn it off. Finally, another method that you can use to improve battery life is turning off location services. While location services can be helpful, location services can also drain battery life do to these services running in the background. To turn off location services,you can just tell siri turn off location services. These are some of the methods that I use to improve battery life on my iPhone.