WebEx Accessibility

By Martin, 25 November, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

I have looked at the IOS App Directory and the last update for WebEx is six years ago.

My company use WebEx all the time and want me to use it.

How accessible is it now in 2020?



By Cowboy on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:40

I know that it still doesn’t work well on Windows. Also, for IOS, the post you referred to was last updated in 2017.

My wife works for Cisco so I’ll play with it on her phone later and see what I can learn. She takes my accessibility comments to work but they’re only coming from 1 person in marketing.

By Scruffy Ted 🧸 on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:40

I was required to use WebEx recently for a conference call.

I tested both the Mac and iOs apps ahead of time, and the former was not a great experience with VoiceOver - the interface of the app was difficult to make sense of and to navigate. It would have been do-able if necessary, but having to fight with the interface would have been an undesirable distraction during any call.

Fortunately, the iOS app was a night and day difference. I encountered no issues at all - it was simple and easy to use.

The above is based upon one 30 minute conference call and a couple of tests ahead of time, so make of it what you will ☺️

By Wony on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:40

No issue on either Windows or iOS.

By Cowboy on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:40

Yesterday morning they released a major update to both WebEx and WebEx teams. In the announcement I watched inclusivity for all was stressed so I am looking forward to playing with it.

By kevinchao89 on Friday, December 11, 2020 - 07:40

I use WebEx every day with VoiceOVer and the accessibility is best on iOS and OK on macOS.


  • Great use of labels, traits, so it's clear what things are and heading nav works.
  • magic-tap works to mute/unmute.


  • Some extra unnecessary verbosity, cannot tell if participants have video/microphone on/off, odd focus issues, unclear roles, and, report feedback has keyboard and VoiceOVer issues, cannot stop screen share.
  • However, if you get pass the above, it's possible to join meeting, keyboard command for muting/unmuting, clear how to toggle video and status, chat, participant, etc. work with Braille and speech.

By ray h on Monday, January 11, 2021 - 07:40

We are all living in the virtual world and having to learn new platforms on a regular basis. For me, having used Zoom, Teams, and Webex, I'd rank them in that order on an iPad or iPhone.
Recently I have needed to use Webex more often and I find the IOS app generally usable, the Mac app is almost impossible.
The two most important features for me on any virtual meeting platform are the abilities to mute audio and stop video.
On Zoom this is very easy and, no matter whether screen sharing is invoked or the screen is otherwise different from the standard Zoom screen, both functions are easy.
This is not the case for me with Webex and I'd appreciate any help this group can provide.
With the standard Webex screen, toward the bottom of the screen, there are audio and video buttons, I can use each of these and mute audio or stop video.
The problem occurs when screen sharing is being used by another participant. In this situation, my screen totally changes and I can't find either of these buttons. Any help?
Also, how have you used magic tap to mute and unmute audio? Do you have to be on the audio button itself?

By ray h on Monday, January 11, 2021 - 07:40

Following up on my prior post, one other idea I've had is to use a bluetooth keyboard with my iPad. Has anyone done this to manage Webex functions and, if so, is there a list of keyboard commands, generally? Are there keys for toggling mute and video?

By Carlos Taylor on Monday, January 11, 2021 - 07:40

I use WebEx for work daily. I primarily use it on MacOS. Having said that, I am typically not the presenter so I don't have much experience with screen sharing. I can toggle the microphone on and off with command+shift+m. I typically locate the onscreen control to toggle my camera on or off when necessary. I find Zoom to be a bit better with VoiceOver, but WebEx is definitely usable.

By ray h on Monday, January 11, 2021 - 07:40

In reply to by Carlos Taylor

I appreciate the feedback.
Have you found any tutorials on how to use Webex on the Mac? I can't figure out how to join a meeting or schedule one on my Mac. Thus I use it on my iPad, which is functional. I simply click on the invite link and get in that way.
When someone else is screen sharing, can you still use Command-shift-M to mute? What is the button label you find to toggle video.
Thanks much and happy to talk if that's easier.

By Remy on Monday, January 11, 2021 - 07:40

My team uses Webex Teams and meetings on a constant basis. I find Teams to be very accessible, and Meetings is just a little behind, but still not bad. Big thing about meetings is during video, the interface likes to disappear after a few seconds of inactivity, which means you have to double tap on the screen to make it reappear.

By Cowboy on Monday, January 11, 2021 - 07:40

My wife just mentioned to me that the new update was pushed today. It’s really nice to know someone who works there, but when that person doesn’t have anything to do with software development it doesn’t help much.

From what I understand there will no longer be a WebEx teams. Both Teams and Meetings are now under the name WebEx. I’m not sure if it will now be under 2 programs or just 1. She just mentioned that there are still 2 programs on her Mac.

Where accessibility is concerned I really don’t know anything yet. I want to sit down and play with the update on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone and see what I come up with. After I do so, I plan to write an app review. When I do so I will link to it in this thread for those of you following it.