Found Fix for VoiceOver Losing Focus Bug

By Tanya Harrison, 25 November, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

Hi, After resetting all my iPhone's default settings, I've finally discovered how to stop VoiceOver from jumping around whilst in share-sheets and certain apps, i.e. the App Store, Mail, Facebook, etc. If this bug is driving you as balmy as it has driven me, try out the following, I'll be interested to see if you have success, as I have. Go to:
Then under the first heading which is:
Hardware Keyboards, turn off full keyboard access. I am not sure why enabling this feature invokes this bug, I intend to report this to Apple at a civilized hour later today, NZ time. Since turning off full keyboard access, I have still been able to do basic commands on my bluetooth keyboard. Having said that, I'm not very familiar with all the keyboard shortcuts, so I'm not sure what will happen as a result of turning off full keyboard access. I hope this is helpful in some way for anyone who has experienced the tyrany of this tiresome bug.



By David Goodwin on Sunday, December 20, 2020 - 19:58

I hadn't been running my iPhone with Full Keyboard Access enabled. As soon as I turned it on, it didn't take much to see that this does indeed introduce issues with VoiceOver focus in some situations.

For instance, when editing the address field in Safari, I couldn't move VoiceOver focus from that field by flicking.

The page you end up on after double-tapping on your name in the My Account section of the App Store app was impossible to navigate by flicking.

I am sure that this was just a taster of where issues can be found when running Full Keyboard Access in conjunction with VoiceOver. Hopefully those of you who have been reporting issues with VoiceOver focus will have a use case that allows you to disable this option.

I have filed a bug report with Apple and also added this to the site's Bug Tracker.

I would encourage others to also report this issue to Apple so that it receives a higher priority.