dating app for visually impaired people

By Dee cussa, 19 October, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

hi. I was wondering if there are any accessible dating apps mainly for visually impaired people.



By Florian on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

Honestly, I think that if you only want to speak to visually impaired potential partners, the various facebook groups are your best bet. All the other dating apps I'm aware of have a far wider reach.

By Dee cussa on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

In reply to by Florian

see, my family is on facebook, and they don’t Really care for that feature, I kind of agree. There could be someone on there that could take advantage of me.

That risk exists with any online dating app. I, personally, would be interested to know if there are any accessible mainstream dating apps that don’t rely on Facebook.

By Siobhan on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

If you're worried about being taken advantage of, like Paul said, that's with anything. However, I'd create another account, use that for the groups, leave your fam out of it. Personally, my dating or love life is my own business, so no one knows anything but me. I like it that way.

Hi, it doesn't matter which pool of humans we draw our potential dating partners from. Doing our own due diligence and following saftey rules reduces the risk of being taken advantage of. People are people regardless of affliction and we all have the potential to love or hurt others.

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

Safety is great specially for women and even as guise. However the app has to be accessible for us to be able to interact with the person. Also how the other person is going to deal with someone who is blind. It takes a special person be it man or woman to be open minded to be involve with a person who is blind. Women tend to have better luck than us men. To bad Siobhan is taken.

By Siobhan on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

Ok Without attacking you, because I don't mean this that way, if you were a potential partner for me, and i found out you had used a "dummy" account on Facebook? i'd block or stop talking instantly. Why? Simple. If you can't be yourself, I want no part of you. That's a partner, friend whatever. Having said this, when Holger said be careful, he is right. however if you want to date just a visually impaired person, not sure that exists except say vo rail or however that is spelled. For me, I spend as little time in this community as humanly possible. Most of the opinions I disagree with very very much. Just bite the bullet, create a dating profile and hey get up some balls and say I'm blind, or however you want to say it. I'm blunt, but the point is clear. Just go out even virtually and tell someone, i'm blind, if you are as well, let's date, if that's your thing.

It's honestly a miracle if you can find anyone willing to look past blindness and see a potential romantic/sexual partner. I know first hand that a white cane acts like a lighthouse beacon to the attentions of people I interact with. Even though I wear skirts, and even when I'm wearing one of my bright green skirts, people always react to me through the lens of being a blind man, and never as a man wearing a brightly colored skirt. I honestly think I could go out in a dayglow pink tutu and people would still ask if I need help rather than reacting to my unusual fashion choice.

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

In reply to by Siobhan

I also spend less time with blind inndividual. I would not want to limit myself by not showing interest in sighted women. When I was working, did not had the time to go out with the blind community. She is right. I am not just saying that. If you are not able to be direct and tell people you are not honest.

Probably best for you to be up front about both the blind thing and the skirt thing in dating. I've worn a kilt from time to time and that, rather than the cane, is most noticed.
I stopped dating long before the on-line dating really started up, however, we seem to be doing everything else on-line now. It probably seems normal after a while. Perhaps, virtual dating is becoming a thing. Makes me laugh though, I think of that date scene in "Demolition Man"...

By Cowboy on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

I find the number of blind people who have trouble getting dates interesting. I am blind myself, but I never realized it was a problem until I started to read the blind Subreddit.

I've been with the woman who is now my wife since 2009, but before that I never had trouble dating. I always found it hard to just go up and meet women and start talking to them, but that was mainly because I couldn't see who I was approaching. Luckily I came of age with Yahoo Messenger, AIM, and later online dating sites. I didn't have a date every weekend or anything but I didn't have a shortage of them either.

I found that if you were upfront with someone about being blind, didn't beat around the bush, you would usually at least get a chance. The trick after that is to be a person who happens to be blind, not a blind person. Sure some people aren't going to be comfortable with it. Other people wouldn't be comfortable if you wore a cowboy hat, had a certain political view, were to skinny, to fat, etc. If your a guy don't be pushy but don't be tentative either.

By Dee cussa on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

In reply to by OldBear

I saw that scene.

By Vsevolod Popov on Monday, October 26, 2020 - 00:00

Well, returning back to topic, I believe tinder app was accessible for IOs before, but that's not the case at least for now. The app has issues like it is impossible to switch between tabs anymore. However, what is the most interesting is that the online version is really accessible.

By Levi Gobin on Monday, September 26, 2022 - 00:00

I’ve tried several online dating apps, none of them have gotten me a date.
I’ve gotten a few people who click on my profile, and start chatting with me or don’t even chat with me at all. Yes, I’ve tried Facebook dating, but the interface is a bit weird. I’ve tried Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, and others including eHarmony. The problem with these is that they are all behind a pay wall. The cool thing I do like about Hinge is that some people added voice prompts to their profiles and you can hear what there voice sounds like. Other than that, I just don’t know. I have tried websites such as, and the thing I don’t like about those websites are the interfaces. Especially with visually impaired On my iPhone, the interface doesn’t really appeal to me. Also, when I was on one of those websites, I find people who are just outside of my range. For example, I found a 61 year old woman on there. This might be a problem if you’re 18. Right? so far, I’ve just been scrolling around hinge, looking for something, and occasionally looking at Facebook dating, and very rarely getting on tinder. I downloaded OkCupid today, and someone already liked me. Yay! Right? The app is buggy, and I have to pay $39 at minimum just to see who it is, as well as a bunch of useless features I don’t need. I just wish all the apps were not behind Pay walls.
Getting back on topic, what app do you think I should try next? I primarily use my iPhone, and if I need to I could also use a Mac. Please tell me what you guys think I should do from here.