Voiceover must read netflix subtitles

By Ivo Trompert, 10 November, 2018

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

Is there a way to make voiceover read the subtitles from a netflix movie or TV serie? I have a apple tv 4k with ios 12.

Can someone please help me?



By Leela on Sunday, November 11, 2018 - 07:43

I don't know how to do it with apple tv, but I do know how to do it with Iphone. I don't have an apple tv yet. If you go to settings, and then general, then accessibility, then voiceover, then verbosity, you'll see something like media description. Choose what you want from there and most items on netflix, itunes, and amazon prime will have subs read to you.

By Milica Milić on Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 07:43

HI. Unfortunately I also don't have an Apple TV so I can't specifically help you either but just in case anyone else comes along with the answer I also can't get voiceover to read subtitles on most websites on the mac minus YouTube. I used to think that if the subtitles weren't added to the video but were instead an overlay that can be turned off it should read it but now I don't think that's the case. Even on iOS the Crunchyroll app doesn't work with this feature and the subtitles can be turned off. I was wondering what is it about the subtitles that makes them readable? It's hard to give developers feedback if they don't know about voiceover and I don't know how to explain. They might think I'm asking them to have someone record all the subtitles which is obviously not the case.