Exciting New Post from Geeksmodo re: Xcode

By Ekaj, 22 April, 2020

App Development and Programming

Hi all. I just received this and was asked to share it here. Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong forum. This is from the folks at GeeksModo, and was posted by a fellow AppleVis user. I'm not a coder, but I might at some point take it up time permitting. https://geeksmodo.com/a-brighter-apple-xcode-on-ios-14/



By Moses Gitari on Monday, May 11, 2020 - 07:47

I can see an Xcode implementation for iPhones. It's not going to be a multi-pane application, but it will be a one-pane at a time app, functional enough to do checks and small mods. For iPad, well, it's taking Apple a very long time to do something they should have done like 5 years ago.

There are still things to do on the hardware front, such as 8, 16, and 32 GB RAM options, and external display support.

By Devin Prater on Monday, May 11, 2020 - 07:47

I wrote the article. Yes, it was me, I admit it, and I would do it again, too. I hope y'all enjoy the article. I wrote it all in Emacs, on the Mac, for those coders who care about the tools people use and such. Yep, Emacs can do lots, even interface with Wordpress through the org2blog package.

If any clarification needs to be made, just let me know. You can find more of my posts about Apple on Geeksmodo, but more general articles on My own site