Question about viewing directories when jailbreaking

By rdfreak, 17 March, 2013

Other Apple Chat
Hi all, I apologize if this has already been covered somewhere in the past but I have searched for such topics with not much result. I have recently jail broken my phone using IOS 6.1 (if that matters). I heard that one of the features of doing this is the ability to be able to view the iPhone files/directories using windows explorer; however, when I tried this before for the first time looking at my iPhone using the XP My Computer, all that was there was a list of about five or six immages (pictures that I'd taken with my iPhone; mind you, they were only the untitled immages not even ones that i'd labeled). So guys, do I need an extra app or something in order to do this?? I didn't think this was the case. Thanks in advance. :)



By Piotr Machacz on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 19:13

Hi, When you look at it in explorer the iPhone connects as a camera. I'm surprised no one made a tweek to let you view the entire FS this way, but anyway. There are some apps which let you do this on the PC. The most popular, and sadly not accessible, is iFunbox. One I've used successfully is iPhone folders, but it only works on 32-bit Windows and I don't know if it works on iOS 6. You can use an ftp client that supports SFTP and connect to it over wifi though. There are guides on how to do this and I recommend flash FXP for a very accessible client. You cana lso use iFile's http server and browse your iPhone via a web browser as well.
There is a jailbreak app in Cydia called iFile which allows you to do this on the phone itself. I've only just got it myself so don't know much about using it yet, or if it combines with any desktop software or anything. Probably worth checking out though. Perhaps someone else can add some info

By Ken Ewing on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 19:13

There is a tweak in Cydia called PC Networking that will allow you to use your PC to vew and browse your iPhone filesystem over WiFi. Once installed you can access it just like you would a network drive.

By rdfreak on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 19:13

Thanks all for your help. I didn't realize it was that difficult. Anyway, so I assume there's not an easy way to copy files such as music from and to your I device using windows explorer?