I have an I Phone 7 plus still running IOS 12. In the last few days every time I touch the home screen the phone goes into edit mode and if I move my finger it changes the speaking rate of Voice Over. How do I stop this from happening? Thank you.
Hi JCecilli, If you go in to the roter and change your setting, that should help. I have had that same problem. Even though I did not set the roter to speaking rate. So I go in to the roter and change the setting to, for example, headings. So now you won't have VO speech rate changing every time you swipe with one finger.
Go to
Settings, general, voiceover, rotor action, and there, turn "edit apps on home screen" to off by double tapping it.
Edit Mode issue.
Hi JCecilli, If you go in to the roter and change your setting, that should help. I have had that same problem. Even though I did not set the roter to speaking rate. So I go in to the roter and change the setting to, for example, headings. So now you won't have VO speech rate changing every time you swipe with one finger.