Where can I find free ringtones?

By Quentin, 3 February, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

How can I find free ringtons for my Iphone without computer?



By Exodia on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 07:42

Well, I don't think you can download free ringtones, so making them in garage band will be your best bet. The way that I do it is make a recording of a song from any audio recorder you have and then, take a small clip of that song or recording and re-recorded in garage band. Once you have finished recording it, if I'm not mistaken, go to my songs, export that song as a ringtone. Then you can give that ringtone a name. After that, it will show up on your list of ringtones In your sound settings. I may be incorrect, but it's been a while since I have done it. I think you can even download audio files, save them in iCloud and then import them to garage band. Then, export that into a ringtone and there you have it. I'm not actually certain if that actually works, but feel free to experiment with it.

By gailisaiah on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 07:42

In the iTunes store, there are several different kinds of tones. You can choose funny, TV show, some songs, etc. They're not free but cheep. I have the Survivor TV show theme as my main tone and I found some Christmas ones for the season. I think each tone is $2 but not sure. There's also text tones. And I liked the fact that I didn't have to go through all kinds of steps to get them on my phone. Once you've made your choice, the tone is right there in your ringtones. And you can choose it for a main tone or assign to a contact.

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 07:42

I did a search on free ringtones for iPhone. I got most of my tones. This was many, many years.

By Quentin on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 07:42

I think I need a computer For this.