BitLife - Life Simulator


Description of App

How will you live your BitLife?

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way.

Or will you make choices that horrify your parents? You could descend into a life of crime, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse.

It's all up to you...



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Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support


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iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

As of today, the game is accessible again.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

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24 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Moopie Curran 10 months ago



By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

See I didn't think I had to do that because when I was born I had like 100 smarts and it didn't even go down at all except after reaching 18. Well next time will do that.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

So I lost all my money in the casino and only once I tapped on hit me to place a bet. So you could borrow money from the casino if you want. Then I tapped on leave the casino. There were some options. I could either pay which I couldn't do or I could beg them to forgive my debt. I begged and they refused. They called the cops on me and I was charged for defrauding a casino and got 1 year. I'm out now but when I get more money wonder if they will let me in. Lol.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

So after coming out of prison I worked and got money and when I went back to the casino that I owed the debt to, I got banned for life. Haha. Should've gone to the next one and do the same thing but then I wouldn't have anymore to go to. I got married to this crazy lady and everytime I lost my job she would argue with me and I argued back to her. Even before that I was going to give her a good wedding but anytime someone demands anything from me I'm taking the cheapest way out possible. So our wedding was at the court house and no honeymoon. It cost me $52 and that's what she deserved. She divorced me because she says I like putting ketchup on stake like go from here. Lol. I didn't hesitate to divorce her. We had 2 kids and she had so much kids from before. When I payed for my daughter's education her appreciation was like 20%. I was like ungreatful just like your mother. Fast forward to some years I sued for wrongful termination and won many cases. A coworker attacked me because he tried to hit on me and he got reprimanded by hr I sued him and he cried. Lol. My supervisor asked me to work extra hours and I refused and he called me a pussy. I lost the lawsuit and hr launched an investigation and I got fired. I did a drive by on him and he died. I tried to flee but they denied my immigration request so I tried to do it illegally. They caught me sneaking in to china and I co-operated with the police and got life in prison for murder. Did the usual stuff in prison and no one attended my funeral except my grand-daughter. My children couldn't be bothered to attend.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

O ok. I didn’t know that. I haven’t done cremation, yet. So will have To try that out soon. That would be cool if we can choose what types of parties. There could also be a bachelor And bachelorette party option for when your engaged lol. Speakking of meditating, what does carma mean? You know how sometimes it says carma 50%. Or will power 10%. You’ll definitely get the globe trotter ribbon if you takee vacations every year. Thats how i got it. Wow, haven’t been to the casino in a while. Ever since i lost my money last time, i haven’t been back lol. Is that even possible, asking a casino to let you borrow money? I’ve never heard of that.
So i got another pop up. It said that i’ve been considering bigger boobs, what size will i choose. Theres was a D, E, and an F. I chose an E. I didn’t want them to big lol. Thats definitely a new one. So i have a few questions. First, does anyone know what the letters NE or SW mean on a street address? Example, 123 candy street NE. Also has anyone had a family go to jail? Like is that even possible. Finally, can we have visitors in prison now? I had another question but i forgot what it was lol. If i remember, i’ll post it. Also i forgot to mention that my mom died after choking on a piece of popcorn. I tried the heimlich on her but it didn’t work. So just know that might not always save them. My dad married a freaken 22 year old and he was in his 60s. I had a step mom 10 years younger than me. No way was i going to call her mom. She ended up divorcing my dad a year later. Serves him right. I’m pretty sure he didn’t make her sign a prenup and she took half of his money.

By Moopie Curran on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

The letters on the street's mean north south East or west.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Yeah that's what it means. Like ne is north east. So the karma is like if you're bad and you meditate its probably your will power. At least that's my understanding. I can't really explain it properly so maybe someone else could. For the casino they don't ask if you want to borrow money. it just says bet and they have the amount layed out so what ever you want and keep betting and go more in debt. Lol. Then when you can't win and you tap on leave the casino then you will get the questions. When I was living in Pakistan my brother went to prison and I offered to take in his kid so yes. I heard that we could have visitors but I didn't find a way to use that. Maybe we have to write a letter to them asking them to visit.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Moopie, o ok.
at first i thought that but i was like, no, that probably isn't it. Thank you and ornella for answering that.
Ornella, o i thought that you had the option to ask the casino for money. How did you offer to take your brother his kid? Was it a pop up? Or was it an option. I've never had a family member go to prison before. I didn't know that the game did that lol. I wonder if we have a crazy stat. You know how when we meet someone to date or kook up and it shows their stats including the crazyness. Can we even see that? But on ourselves.
So far, working as a stripper has been surprisingly good lol. I'm making decent amount of money. I think its 70k a year. Anyway, I have this coworker who likes to pull pranks on me and i did one back to her. Tell me if this is bad. I pranked my coworker, Victoria, by offering her some reece's Pieces, Skittles, and M&m's mixed together in a candy dish. When it says mixed together, do you think mixed up? Or like melted and mixed into the dish? well, she found it offensive or something and she tole HR. And they launched an investigation. All for mixed candy in a dish. Lol.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

I don't think it would be melted candy in a dish but if its mixed together that shouldn't be a problem. I mean like who don't love m and m's and skittles and reeses. That's like a chocolate version of a trail mix. Even if its melted together it may not be a problem because they all taste good. When my brother went to prison it was a popup and it asked if I wanted to take in his kid and I accepted. The same when my neighbor asked. It said that your neighbor has a kid who is very rude and out of control do you want to take her in or refuse. I definetly refused. We don't have that option yet for ourselves and not sure if bitlife will add it in. That would be a good idea though because if we want to make our self crazy there might be things to do for that to happen. I got a funeral ern and it was in really bad condition and no matter how hard I tried each year no one wanted it so I got rid of it. It was worth $1000. On to me now. They don't want to give me that bitlife job like ever. Lol. But it wasn't so bad because my next best option was a writer and now I'm famous. Traveling every year since I turned 18. Some new popups I found were my parents didn't like my first boyfriend and I wanted to get rid of him anyways so I used that as an excuse. My second boyfriend they disapproved and said he may not be my soulmate so I verbually abused them and then we got married and I'm pregnant. I had to mooch off of them for some time just to get enough money to travel but I want them on my good side so I might give them some money once and never again.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

So I'm famous and this may not have anything to do with it but when I checked my social media status it reads out the usual thing but it says 1 million and some odd numbers drunk pictures then 7. So it looks like 7 drunk pictures got posted. How do we even get drunk pictures? Is it just random? I got a microphone that was used by Kanye-West as an heirloom. Got it sold after a few years.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Yes, drunk picks are random.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Finally getting a chance to get on here. This weekend was pretty hectic. But i still got a few opportunities to play.
Now i want some M&M’s and skittles lol. Chocolate trail mix sounds pretty good actually. I’ve gotten that popup before. I was playing a gay character and it said that my neighbor passed away and if i wanted to take in her 1 year old son. I said sure since me and my husband didn’t have any kids. That was a big mistake lol. That kid was rude and are relationship was at 8%. Later on i cut him out of my will and he got mad. I even changed his last name to mine. But in the end, he came to my funeral but not my husband. I think he died the same year i did because it didn’t mention him at all. You know how it says that they went to do something else. I didn’t get that. I got prayer beads for today. I haven’t gotten that popup. Where your parents disapprove of your boyfriend/girlfriend. Wow, sounds like you’re pretty rebellious lol. Since you married your second boyfriend after your parents ddidn’t like him. And if you go to the club a lot, you’ll get more drunk photos. The game doesn’t tell you when you take them, it just tells you how many drunk pictures you posted.
So i’m a 50 something year old virgin lol. No guys want to sleep with me. Even though my looks are at 100. I get lots of guys but there looks are extremely low lol. Like 20 or 30%. I’m still working as a stripper. And let me tell you, i’m making so much lol. I’m making 182k a year. Which is crazy. I didn’t think i would make that much. I have a little over 2 million. Also, my boyfriend is a male stripper who works with me lol. And the reason why i said that i was a virgin earlier is because my boyfriend doesn’t want to sleep whith me. Like ever. I always try and he turns me down. One time, i asked him to make love and it said that he didn’t want to because he’d rather whack off later lol. I was like, what the hell. He has me, no need for his hand to get dirty lol.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Dm, thanks. I was wondering about that. Well I only went to the club once so probably I took out 7 drunk pics. X2, I have a crazy husband but I am yet to get the theft popup. When I married my first husband the one my parents disapproved my mom refused to spend time with me and I gave her money and her appreciation was like in the 60's. Anytime I give someone money in the game no matter who it is their appreciation is always in the 90's so she really hated him. And that's why I divorced my first husband because when I tap on make love he said the kids are sleeping then another year he said the kids are awake so like he don't want to and my enjoyment is lower than him and its never 100 for both of us. I'm surprised I got 2 kids out of him but I adopted 3 more. I wanted to adopt more but every time I try it says reason unspecified. I have no criminal record. I have so much money and every year I try to buy a palace they didn't have any. I had to wait till I was 50 and then I got one. I made 5 million profit off of my mansion that I finally sold. Opening the app for the first time lets see what I get. Yes sweet. 2 carrot diamond ring worth $15000. Just to add to my wealth.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Same for me. When ever i give out money, there appreciation is always in the 90s. Maybe it said that the reason was unspecified is because you already have 3 adopted kids. Maybe its like the pets, you only adopt only so much kids. And maybe also the size of the house. Was your mansion small? Or was it a good size. I’ve been looking for a mansion, but a big one. I can’t find one. i only find small ones but even thats rare. Also, is a manor bigger than a mansion? Or are they the same. At least you’ve slept with your husband. My boyfriend won’t even look at me lol. Jk i don’t know if thats true. I might just leave himm. Opening the app. Wtf bitlife really? A movie camera? Thats what i really needed. Well, this is going into the trash lol.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

The mansion that I had was 8 rooms and 10 baths. Now I have a palace and I can't remember how much rooms it has. I just put down my phone I will get back to you on that with the manor but I think its big like a mansion. I was able to adopt way more than 3 kids before so I don't know. A question. How do I gain followers real fast? Or if its not possible. Because I'm still famous and have like 25 followers but plenty people like my post. Do I have to post more than once a year? Well now it probably went up but I think I only gain 1 follower per year.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Is there a limit on how many people you can take with you when traveling? I'm not sure if this is a bug but normally when someone or a few of the kids say they don't want to go it would say so but for a few years I've only been taking my 3 children and my husband with me on trips. It never says that my step-children doesn't want to go but when my last kid turned 18 and moved out the 3 step kids started showing up an now going on vacations with me. Not sure if that's a bug. One time I spent 100k on a trip. Lol but I think I took more people with me back then.

By Sabrina on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

I once again think of my staff who died at the age of eleven because of a desease and then next life he died because his wife punched his belly button and the last life, and this is why it brought back a memory, he had a good life until he wanted to go on vacation. His plane crashed and he died and he got so pissed that he deleted the app.
I love the fighting scenes because my staff died because his wife pounded his belly button but my ex sliced open both my brain and eyeball and I did not die.
I have never thought of the thing with children and vacation.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Lol tell that person its just a game. Haha. I know of people who do those type of things. My uncle was playing a game on his phone and it didn't go how he wanted and he threw the phone against the wall and it smashed in pieces. Its not an Iphone though else that would've hurt money wise. I never died in a plain crash before and I got the thing with the eyeball in school many times and nothing bad happened to me. I died by that punch to the bellybutton once as well. It was funny.

By Joel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Remember to vote for bitlife to get the Golden Apple award. it’s a great game and the accessibility has certainly advanced a lot since last year. It honestly deserves the golden apple. Too bad it didn’t win last year

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

That's the first thing I did when I came on here. I think this year it has a better chance but I doubt many people on here play it just the few that come and post on this foram.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

ornella, when ever i’m famous, i get tons of followers every year. but when i’m just a basic person, i don’t really know how that works. i always forget to post on social media except when i’m famous lol. i’ve never noticed about the kids and the vacation. usually it says if i want to take everyone with me. I do sometimes lol. Wow you had a good size mansion. My first mansion was 10 bed and 11 bathrooms. I would love to live in a haunted mansion lol. I wonder if theres any in the game. I killed my boyfriend lol. I gave him one more chance to touch me and he said no. His excuse was that he didn’t trim his bush lol. So i sold my house and performed a drive by on him. Now living in england. Both my parents are dead and my one blood brother hates me. Another thing i noticed, that my x step brothers have the same last name as my boyfriend. So i don’t know if they were related or not. And how did my car get from brazil to england? I could drive it and make repairs. The devs are working on the next update but i don’t know what the theme is. It said something about finland or something. I can post the link to there direct tweet here, if you want.
Sabrina, lol your staff died from a punch to the belly button but you didn’t die from having your brain and eye ball sliced. Thats funny.
Joel, to vote for an app, do we just comment on the post? Sorry if thats a dumb question, i just want to make sure.
So i don’t know if anyone remembers awhile back when bitlife said that they were going to merge with instlife. Well, i did some research and apparently instlife was like bitlife, except in 2017. It was possible to download it a few months ago but it got remove. anyway, i don’t know if anyone knows who bijuu mike is? He’s a youtuber who plays lots of bitlife and does challenges. Well, he did a play through for instlife and the app seemed pretty fun. But one of the things that stood out to me was the burglary option. It wasn’t a mini game like bitlife’s. I really liked how they did it and i think that bitlife should implement it for accessibility. So the way it worked, it’d ask you what kind of house you wanted to rob. You would choose the type of house you wanted. Then it would ask, how do you plan on braking in? And the options would be like go through the front door, break a window, or sneak around back. After you got in, it would say, you see a tv worth $2000. Take it, leave it, or escape. And the game would get riskier the deeper you went into the house, but also, the more expensive the things would get. The game would also tell you if you were born into wealth or not. I could post the link to the video where he played it. If anyone is interested.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

So to vote, go to the pinned post on this site that says vote for the applevis golden apples or something like that. There are some combo boxes 1 for the best app of the year you could vote for that one if you like and then next is the best game of the year and when you checked which ones you want you tap submit and then you voted. I do it every year. When I'm not famous and the thing ask me if I want to join social media I just click yes and don't post anything like ever for that life.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Thanks for telling me how to vote. That explains why the post has 0 comments. Because we have to check the box. I’ll do that after i post this comment. In my regular lives, i don’t get on social media at all. And when i do, i’m like you, i don’t post. I do it when i need to increase my fame. And i got a road map. In the trash it goes lol. I think this is new, it has to be, but i started a new life and have a son and i got a popup asking whether i wanted to circumcise him or not lol. Have you gotten that before? I started laughing when i got that.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Yeah. Well not really check the boxes you put the arrow on the one you want and select it. Make sure and double check it before submitting it. I've gotten that thing most of the time when I have male children. I leave it on. Now lets see what I got today. It won't matter because I'm so rich and I think I might lose my fame any time soon which don't matter still. A gas pump. I've gotten this many times before. Not bad. Worth over $2000.

By Sabrina on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

I have often hated certain family members but now, I hate my entire family. Both my parrents married others and they were not kind and when they were not nice to me my actual parrents concern was so low. My sister and I always gets into arguments and ends up with one of us asaulting the other. I hope I die and that no one is invited to my funeral because they don’tt deserve my memory.
I love the fighting scenes. When the school update came out I was killed because a child attacked me with a pen. Five lifes later I got into a fight with another student who hit me with an effing machine gun and I did not die. I guess the pen can be more powerful than a machine gun. I love the save feature and am living one good life with a wife, five lovely children and an old mother and younger sister. The other one is where I hope I die and that no one comes to my funeral. I wish I could tell everyone that I don’t want the to go. I will just insult them all all the time until they won’t attend the funeral.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Ornela, I got it, I already voted, thank you. Lol your funny. When you said you leave it on. I’m talking about circumcision. How much money do you have? $2000 for a gas pump? I feel like i’ve gotten that one before when the heirlooms first came out but I’m not sure. I got a schwinn bicycle worth $350. Not bad, hopefully i can sell it. I think bitlife is coming out with another update soon because they posted it on there twitter. But i don’t know if they were asking people what they wanted in the next update. Or they were making people guess what was coming. The way they worded the tweet was a little confusing. And the replies people were leaving. So many people kept on asking for friends and friendship.
Sabrina, lol a pen did the job but getting hit by a gun didn’t? wow, forget gun violence and talk about pen violence lol. I like the multi life feature as well. If i get bored with one life but don’t want to get rid of it, i can just switch to a new one. I think i have like 3 lives saved.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

I was now going to post about it. So the new update will be friends and of course the android users crying. Lol. I have I think 112 million and my fame is gone and that life is almost over. Didn't really get to play much yesterday and got to play a little today. You and I got the same heirloom. Mines usually gets sold but noone wanted it so I donated it. At 80 years old I divorced my husband who is the same age as my character and I came home to him having an orgy.

By soundman on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

1, is the memory test is dooable somehow?
2, can we escape from the prison or start riots
3, can we rob houses, i fee like all of those are visual channelces

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

The prison riot was accessible but now its not. The others aren't accessible as yet and don't know if they will become in the future. Some people I think they found a work around for the memory test game but personally I don't use that. And the prison escape isn't accessible either.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by soundman

Ornella, so it is friends. Ok thanks for clarifying that. Like i said wasn’t to sure what they meant lol. Android users are so whiny and ungrateful. Not trying to offend anyone, I’m just saying. Bitlife originated on ios and was only meant for ios, but the devs were nice enough to make it available for android. It took a little over a year for bitlife to be what it is now. They released the android version like in february or march. Thats like 9 or 10 months and they have more than half of what the ios version had at 9 or 10 months. Anyway, back to you. Lol what the hell. He was 80 and having an orgy? Must’ve taken lots of blue pills to keep up lol. Wow, 112 million? You weren’t joking about how rich you were. I haven’t tried to sell my bicycle yet. With my luck, it won’t get sold. But I’ll see. Also, do you know who freddy crooger is? If you do, well he’s haunting my house and he’s a demon. Just like in the movies.
SoundMan, no none of the mini games aren’t accessible yet. Heads up, the military deployments is a mini game, so its not accessible either. Its like a mind sweeper game. I wish the burglary game was accessible. I would bring hell to people and there homes lol.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Yeah I have so much money I didn't even care for that heirloom. Even adjusting the price it couldn't get sold so I donated it. It was in good condition. I thought they were going to put some Christmas stuff but the friends update I'm sure will be good too. I saw on twitter when I was reading the replies that someone suggested a hitman. If they put that in that would be a good idea but I think you would need to have plenty money for that because he not doing no crime for nothing. Next thing we die by him instead. Lol. I also sent them a tweat suggesting neighbours and some house party cinarios.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

I'm like in my 90's and still traveling. I thought that I would've finished my game but I'm living forever in wealth. One thing that I've noticed and it probably could only be me but when I go on cruises, depending on the cabbin I choose it shows a different percentage of enjoyment. When I chose ocean view which is the cheapest, my enjoyment one time was 29%. When I chose the sweet its like in the 50's or straight up 100. If I chose a budget vacation no matter where I go its horrible. I've never been on a cruise before so in real I don't know how each of the cabins are or what they offer in real life other than the most expensive one I think you get everything you want. This time for an heirloom I got a 2010 Fiefa world cup socker ball worth $1000 and I got $970 for it. Not bad. My x husband wanted to get back together with me and his reason was that he is tired of being with all the hot women and now wants to get back together with me. I ridiculed him. A question for anyone who does this but if you do renovations on your homes how often do you do it? I sometimes do mines once every 5 or 10 years. I think the longer you wait you spend more money. I spent 2 million plus on my palace and the condition was 86% before.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

I’m pretty sure theres going to be a christmas update as well. That or on christmas day, there might be lots of christmas related scenarios. Like you hear bels jingling and then something on your roof. Or something like that. A hitman? Thats a good one. I would hire one, if they added that lol. Another thing people are asking for is being born into fame/royalty. Like you could be born into famous parents. Which i think being born into royalty would be really fun and interesting. O thats another thing people were asking for, neighbor interaction. That would also be pretty interesting. Well, you know what they say, money keeps you young. Lol jk, i just made that up. Ocean view is the bottom levels of the cruise, i think. I know the suite is in the high levels of the boat. It may be different for every cruise but if you think about it, cruises are like floating hotels. And usually a suite in a hotel is at the top floor. And budget flights are not the best lol. The seats are stiff, people are annoying, service isn’t that great, basically its cheap lol. Maybe thats why its called a budget trip. Wow, you got a women’s soccer fifa cup? I didn’t think that would be an heirloom. Well, i take that back, its bitlife, anything is possible lol. What the hell. He got tired of being with all the hot women? Lol thats a good excuse. Being sarcastic of course. I don’t really renovate my house since i usually look for houses with high conditions. After like 10 or 15 years, the condition doesn’t really drop. I only do it if i’m going to sell the house. I found thats what gets my house sold. Having 100% condition. Plus it also depends in what country you live in. I did a life in brazil and the highest to renovate my house was like 50k or so. And the house wasn’t even big at all. It was a 2 bed and 2 bath. I spent like 25000 to get it up to par.
So my girlfriend has 98% crazyness. Lol. I’m trying to see if she steals from me. Not much really going on in my life. Just that I’m trying to get her pregnant but she’s on birth control. I wish it would tell you when your girlfriend is on it. Unless it does and i don’t know about it. The way i check, i go to birth control under her name and it says if there taking it or not. Also, how do you get the popup about your parents disapproving your boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you have to be in high school? Or it doesn’t matter. And do they need to have specific stats? Like bad grades.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Its weird for me to reply at this hour. Having a sleepless night. Its 5 am now but I was playing and it wasn't a cup. I got a socker ball. When I play the game I'm sleepy. I put down the phone I can't sleep. I was an adult when my parents disapproved of my boyfriend. I think its a random popup because I don't know what you need to have or do for that to happen. Thanks for explaining the stuff about the vacations. I haven't been fortunate to travel on a plane or been on a cruise but I've traveled on a boat just not a cruiseship. I remembered last year when bitlife brought out Christmas stuff. About the birth control, she probably kept it a secret from you because I did that once. If I had told my husband you would see it in the entry but if you keep it a secret there would be nothing. So she's trapping you to get her pregnant. Lol. You know if they bring out child support plenty women would so do that to make money. My palace was at 100% but after long years the condition went down so had to renovate it.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

I feel you. Its 2 AM where i live and i can’t sleep. I think the stress of finals are keeping me up lol. No but i can’t sleep either. I’m the same, i put the game down and my sleep just left. So going to try this again. O i thought that it was a cup. But i guess the ball is actually better lol. I thought you only got the disapproving popup when you’re a teen. But guess not. Maybe you have to be close to your parents. Like have 100% relationship with them. Or it could be the opposite. They might have to hate you lol. Either way my parents probably don’t like me. I haven’t been on a cruise. I was suppose to go on one a few years back, but i don’t remember why i didn’t go. As for a plane, i’ve been on one. I don’t remember the christmas stuff in bitlife last year. Were they scenarios? And was it only on christmas day? Or did it start on christmas eve. Really? You can keep birth control a secret? Thats, well, i don’t know what to say to that lol. Wow, that might explain why she wouldn’t want to make love to me when she was going to school. We started dating when she was a university student. But after she got a job, boy, was she letting me make love when ever i asked her lol. I wish she would pull something like that. Chiild support. I would kill her first lol. I know that money would be spent on her, not my child. Believe it or not, lots of people actually do that. A palace is huge. Imagine all the work that goes in to maintaining it? Its a lot. lol. It’d be cool if we can hire staff for our house. Like if your rich or famous, you can hire a cook, servants, house keeper, driver, body guard, etc. It would be like the coworkers but at your house. Imagine all the scandals you can get into. For example, your the wife of a famous person and your sleeping with your husband’s body guard. Ooooooooo the drama it would create lol.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Being struck by lightning isn't always a bit life blessing. My last character got struck by it and died. He was only 19.

Lol being struck by lightning isn't a Blessing at all. Jk I don’t know. How in the world do you keep getting struck by lightning. Like do you press the age button and it pops up? Or do you do something and it just happens. I’m pretty sure it’s random but just curious.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Yes it's a random pop-up when you tap the age button. Two things can happen. If you're lucky, all stats will go to 100. If you're unlucky, you will die. My last character was living in Cleveland.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Dm, haven't gotten that lightening thing like ever. X2, I can't remember exactly when the Christmas stuff came up but it wasn't popups it was just entries. And yes now I feel like crap. I not sure if I will play today. I need a long sleep. Yes that would be great to hire staff for your palace and women would do that. Spend the money on themselves instead of the kids.

By X2 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

So I think I figured out how to get your partner to steal from you. They have to be extremely crazy. I’m still dating the same girl that I mentioned earlier and her craziness is at 98%. LOL. She’s basically insane. And she stole from me twice. The first time was 540 and the second time was 840. The first time she stole money was because she went on an ecstasy binge. I demanded she return my money and she said that what was done is done. I sued her ass and one. And she still with me. The second time I demanded the money back and she gave me 117. She said that was what was left over. I let her off the hook, only because she gave me some money back. And I’ve cheated on her countless times but haven’t been caught LOL. Oh no, hopefully you feel better soon. The weather is changing where I live and lots of people are getting sick. So I’ll let you rest up.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

The thing i've discovered is that, when you are successful, you can often skip the interview when applying for a job. Someone will often recognise you and hire you on the spot.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Dm, wait you mean like turn down the interview? I didn't know you could skip the interview. X2, I dated someone with 77% crazy and still haven't been able to get them to steal from me. I don't know what to do to make them more crazy. I wish we our selves could be crazy. Say if we go to the night club and do drugs we get high in the streets and do weird things. I got a kimono as an heirloom. It was in really bad condition so I didn't get it sold and I just donated it. First time getting that one. I don't really know how to describe my life other than to say it was luxurious till the very end. I even got married at 100 and I traveled and did cruises from the age of 18 till I died and still I haven't gotten that ribbon. At least I didn't hear the chime. I gave all my children money except my step children. I could if I wanted to but I would've had to go in the relations tab about more than 16 times. one of my husband died and his kids were in their 20's and I think he had 7 of them and when I got married again he had 5. All my children and 2 of my adopted died and I had to take care of their funeral expenses. One of my husband had plenty money and still he wanted to have his body donated to science so I did that and got his 100k. I died in my sleep at age 123 and 3 of my kids attended my funeral and none of my step and grand kids came. Nothing bad was said. I didn't make another life as yet but when I do this will have to be a slow life because its very close to Christmas and I have family coming in from new Jirsey so the only time I will probably have to play is in the night.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

You won't exactly be able to turn down the interview. Basically, all it says is that someone from your Fraternity recognised you and hired you on the spot. Then there is a thanks brother button. Just double-tap it and the job is yours.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Thanks I will try that. I hope I could get to join a sorority or frat because I have no idea how to. They all slam the door on me.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Just study hard each year, Join curricular activities that will boost smarts Whenever you can, Go to university and then try beta theta pi. They will ask you a question Related to Greek mythology. Just answer it correctly and you should be fine.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

The thing that works for me, is to play as a pervert LOL. I always go on the dating app and try for age 18/19 and select it doesn't matter as the income Requirement. Usually by then I'm also in my 60s or 70s LOL.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Lol I will try that. I think one time I was 17 and dated a 15 year old and got busted for it. Can't remember if I used the dating app. Probably did.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Never got this birth situation before. I was born a male in seattle United States. I'm a bastard. So I think I'm going to be bad and make lots of kids and abandon or adopt them out. Lol. Probably will do lots of hook ups.

By Ornella on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 19:42

Well my life didn't go as planned. As soon as I finished school I tried to perform a drive by on my step mother and she saw me and called the cops. I was working in prison as a fruit-picker and saved up to appeal and lost it. I was put up for parole and lost my chance once but the second time I got out. I only served 41 years out of my 60 I think. This was also a first for me. My mom and dad refused to communicate with me when ever I sent them letters and as soon as I came out they died and I skipped my step father's funeral and my mom wanted to be buried and instead I donated her body to science. That's my revenge for her not wanting to write me in prison. My half sister is nice so if she dies before me I will attend her funeral. I'm working as a camera man. Lol. My real dad died while I was in.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Dm, really? I didn’t know that. I could never join a fraternity. I always get the door slammed in my face lol. And what do you mean by being successful? Like being popular? Omg. I’m a huge nerd when it comes to greek mythology. I know all the stories and gods and goddesses. So i’ll definitely get into that frat lol. Trying to be a pervert never works out for me. I try but i get turned down. Only if i’m famous, then i can be a pervert.
Ornella, wow your family is flying in? Thats cool. Have fun. Lol you made me laugh when you said that you donated your mom’s body to science, instead of being buried. Is it possible to be a fruit picker in prison? I don’t think they grow fruits in prison lol. I got scissors as an heirloom for today. Try dating someone with 85% crazyness or higher. Wow! 123? You lived a long time. Did you die famous?
So i gave my girlfriend genital herpes lol. She got mad and i argued back to her. Afterwords, i cheated on her for like the millionth time and found someone else. We dated for 11 or 12 years. And they weren’t happy ones lol. Although, she was down to have a 3 sum when ever. So i’ll give her that.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Well I don't know if they grow fruits in prison but I saw it and took that job. Maybe in real prisons have gardens. I'm actually back in prison for manslaughter. I got 14 years. My girlfriend chose to broke up with me because she said my head was to small. I assaulted her and she died. I'm good in there so I will be out soon causing more trouble. And no I didn't die famous. That greek thing I know nothing about so I may not get in.