Help with building my own apps

By Blind angel 444, 24 November, 2019

App Development and Programming

Hi, can I make them with out knowing how to program? Is learning python code difficult for me? Please help



By Justin Philips on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:46

Pythonista is an app that you may buy and begin your journey. Learning a language is a must. Invest time in that. Learn about accessibility too.

By Patrick Smyth on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:46

Start by learning to program in Python. Don't worry too much about making an iOS app off the bat, there's a bunch of junk you have to do for that that will just confuse you at the beginning. Just focus on the fundamentals to start and try to enjoy the process of learning, it's a great skill. Once you know some Python you might try Flask, a library that lets you create web apps. If you want to make iOS apps you will want to learn Swift eventually, but I wouldn't start there.

By Blind angel 444 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:46

I have swift play ground for iPad o s. Its a great app. For the app that was mentioned in the first post, can you please add the direct link and the price too. I have never heard or seen of it. Thanks Also resources available for learning how to use graphics.

By Justin Philips on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:46

Type that, and you will find it on your iPhone app store.

By Blind angel 444 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:46

Thanks for the recommendation of the app, I would like to use this app if it is accessible. Please tell me how you like it. If you or another person are blind please share your experience.

By Kelly Sapergia on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:46

Is it possible to program, or even learn to program, in Swift if you don't have an iPad?

I downloaded swift playground a little while back. I really like the learning exercises that it gives you. I can go over and over them again if I feel I missed something or I’m forgetting how to do something. Can I use swift playground to develop an app? One of the apps I have in mind is maybe some sort of an audio hockey game for the visually impaired. I am a hockey fan and to my knowledge, there is not really a hockey game out there for the blind.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Friday, June 11, 2021 - 07:46

If it's actual for you. Then please say me:
Can you code in python in general?

Replying to your post I'll tell the following:
1. You can use this app with voiceover.
2. Moreover, you can use design inspector for making UI (User interface).
3. Certainly, you will face with some problems connecting with a more exact allocation of UI elements.
But never mind, you can change coordinates, x, y, height, width, in general, all attributes, editing data.
If it is actual for you, then try the following:

1. Open the pythonista app.
2. on the top left corner activate "Show files".
3. Then activate "This iPad".
4. On the bottom left corner activate "Add".
5. You'll see a standard dialogue for creating project.
6. Activate folder for creating your folder, call it, for example, "Project".
Starting a new project, create always a new folder.
7. Activate the newly created folder "Project".
8. On the bottom left corner activate "Add".
9. You'll see a standard dialogue for creating project.
10. But this time activate "empty script".
Give any name to this script, for example, "my_script".
11. In your folder "Project" you will see The file "".
12. Activate this file.
13. In the opened editor type, for example:

print ('Hello World!')

14. Hide the keyboard, activating "Hide keyboard" on the bottom right corner.
15. Find the name of your file "" on the screen top enter, then swipe to the right to find the button "Run script".
16. If you did not make any mistake in typing text, you will bee seeing in console output:

Hello World!

If it is very actual for you, and you could do these actions step by step, then we can deep in further.

I suppose you can use voiceover enough well.
You always can use triple tap with two fingers.
I hope you understand What i mean.
Good luck!

By Daniel Angus M… on Friday, June 11, 2021 - 07:46

there is all ready an audio hockey game. it's called Ear Hockey and it's in the windows store. it would;d be cool if there were a hockey game for Apple platforms though.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Friday, June 11, 2021 - 07:46

I posted these last two messages in hope that info will be useful for the author of this branch.