Voiceover training app

By tomg35, 14 November, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

I volunteer for a UK charity helping the visually impaired with technology.

A lot of them are Apple users, and a lot are elderly with little experience with tech.

Teaching voiceover can be challenging and I wondered if anyone could recommend a suitable app to teach voiceover? I’m aware of VOstarter but is there anything else that’s a little less clunky?




By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:37

This is not an app, but it's already on the iphone & ipad. It's called Voiceover practice. Get to it, go 2 accessibility vision & voiceover. Go to where it says voiceover practice.
Also, there's a way for them 2 just practice gestures. If you do a 4-finger double tap, it'll say starting help & then you can have them do a gesture & it will tell them what the gesture does. Then to stop just do a 4-finger double tap again.

By Holger Fiallo on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:37

Jonathan Mosen did a book that focus on iOS and how to use iPhone. Sadley he did not do any for iOS 13, but he probably is happy since unlucky 13 has more bugs than a hotel. There is iOS 12 which might work.

By tomg35 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:37

Thanks for the suggestions.

4 finger, double taps, is something some people struggle with, especially those with arthritis. I'll have a look at the book

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:37

This is just a suggestion for you to try. Way back when I started to learn Windows, when I was transitioning from DOS, my instructor tought me Windows while using JAWS For Windows. In this way, I simultaneously learned the Windows environment right along with learning JAWS. This is how I tought myself to use the iPhone and it worked very well.

Each client is going to want to do different things in their device. Basically, find out what their needs are, then teach them how to do what they want and learn the VO gestures at the same time. For example, explain the basics of the iPhone, i.e., Home screen, how to turn from screen to screen on the phone, how to activate an icon to open an app, and then if they wanted a specific app, then teach them how to locate the App Store, open it, search for an app, download it, open it, set it up, and then learn said app. In this way, they become more productive by learning the VO gestures and they accomplish what they wanted in the first place. Basically, practice makes perfect. They have to get their hands on the device and interact with it. Over time, the pieces will fal into place. It's like this, you can learn how to bake a cake, by talking about it, by reading about it, but until you actually do the measuring, the mixing, the putting it into the pan, and the baking, you do not know how to make that cake.


By sockhopsinger on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:37

Regarding your question about four finger gestures, remember with iOS13 (Holger's favorite operating system in the world), you can customize gestures to make it easier for those who have issues with certain fingers or issues like arthritis.

By Jim D on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:37

Several years ago, their was an app from Looktel called Voiceover Tutorial. I'm not sure if it is still on the app store, but if it is, it is an excellent resource for learning the various Voiceover gestures.
Hope this helps.

By tomg35 on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:37

In reply to by sockhopsinger

That'll be useful