Okay I found a way to add search in text on iPhone as a voiceover gesture. However, when I tried to use it it said enter search text and then nothing popped up and when I did a scrub gesture to go back from something it said stopping search. Is that supposed to show up a text field?
What is the gesture?
What gesture do you use to start the search?
I do it with a braille display.
Vo does not say text field, but it behaves like one.
Try double tapping after the gesture.
For me it says "insertion point"
Just like a regular text field.
I have set it to two finger four tap but maybe this is just for braille and keyboard because no matter what I do nothing happens before I scrub because everything looks the same even though the search is on.
Entry methods
Naw this is under touch gestures; can't be just for braille.
You can use braille or dictation to enter text into the search field, but it must be possible with the onscreen keyboard also.
But how do you make the onscreen keyboard pop up?
I didn't find "show keyboard" in the list of commands, but it must be in there.
Thats what you want if you aren't using braille or a bluetooth keyboard.
Me too
I had the same experience. I tried more than one gesture but nothing worked. It just won’t bring up any input method if you don’t have a braille display with input capability connected. and screen braille input isn’t possible either. Must be a bug or a dud. Wish there weren’t so many of them to raise our hopes and then crush them. still can’t say I regret installing iOS 13.
Searching for text with a Braille display.
I use the letter f plus the space bar with my braille display, and it gives me an edit box to type it in. I press enter to enter it but it won't take me to where the text is. How can I fix this?
try space-1-5
Chord-e works for me instead of enter.