programming concepts

By molly, 21 March, 2016

App Development and Programming

Just to say, for those of you who are interested in programming, I feel it is most important you understand the concepts of programming first, then focus on the language. Because once you understand the concepts of variables, strings, functions etc, it's that much easier to learn the syntax. There's this really cool iOS app called Lrn, which is very VoiceOver accessible. It's free with in-app purchases to unlock lessons. In each lesson, they go over the concepts of each language. The concepts are pretty much the same for all the different languages this app teaches. The app teaches languages such as python, html, and javascript. It's a great way to start learning about programming and has helped me immensely.



By Liz on Monday, April 18, 2016 - 23:12

I know a bit of Html but need a refresher on cSS.
I don't know any other languages.

I might check that app out.

By molly on Monday, April 18, 2016 - 23:12

In reply to by Liz

the app is called lrn and it teaches you the concepts of python, ruby, javascript, html, and css. i love it so much!!!! it even has review questions. the lessons on javascript are my favorite.

By Justin Philips on Friday, October 18, 2019 - 23:12

Can't find this app. Any link anyone?