Downloading YouTube videos on iDevices

By Nafisah, 18 February, 2013

iOS and iPadOS
Hello everyone, is there a client or a way to download YouTube videos onto iDevices, and possibly convert them to mp3s, then transfer them to a PC? I have an iPhone 4S running iOS 6.1 and a 3rd gen. iPad running iOS 6. Thanks for any suggestions!



By Shane on Monday, March 11, 2013 - 07:52

Hi, I just recently jailbroke my 4S and found an app called ProTube, which allows you to download any video as an m4a. Download Protube, and go to the desktop site of Youtube because when you search on ProTube, VO won't read the edit field to type in your search. On the desktop Youtube, do your search, tap on the link for the video, tap on share, then go to the link itself, VO will say http:-/, and double tap, and an edit field will show up. Double tap that VO will say, insertion point at beginning, select and copy the link, then go back to ProTube, and under url, paste the link, and tap go. When its downloaded, it will show up under downloads in ProTube. From here, you can choos to import it with an app called Bridge. Select import, and Bridge will appear. Bridge puts your music into the native app of your I device. I forgot mention, when downloading the vid to ProTube, it'll ask you which format do you wanna download in, choose m4a. There's also another app I use called MusicBox. I don't think the music from these apps transfers to your pc. Not 100% sure about this though. Hth, Shane.

By Nafisah on Monday, March 11, 2013 - 07:52

In reply to by Shane

Thanks Shane, I downloaded the app and had some trouble finding the URL button into which I could paste the URL of a YouTube video. From where do I obtain Bridge to import my videos?

By Shane on Monday, March 11, 2013 - 07:52

Hi, You want to go to Cydia, which is the jailbreak app store, and download Bridge from there.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Monday, March 11, 2013 - 07:52

I think you can use the youtube app.