Is there a JB tweek that lets you put more than 12 apps in a folder?

By Shersey, 21 February, 2012

Other Apple Chat
I'm hoping there is, as I really want this feature! I'm hoping to JB again soon! Any help would be greatly appreciated!



By Sarah on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 19:42

Dunno, but yes!!!!! Awesome idea! Some needs to get on that! haha! Nice idea for some dev out there somewhere. Also what's the name of the one that keeps the app store open when you're downloading apps?

By Esan on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 19:42

The 2 mods that can do it are Infini folders which lets you have 12 apps per page in one folder and the one I use is Folder enhancer which allows for 16 apps per page, has multiple pages and lets you make folders inside folders (great for sub-categories like racing, action, fighting, etc. folders inside your games folder.)
The tweek is called StayOpened. Not quite sure on whether it's cammel-case, or if it's two separate words, or whether it's hyphenated, but it shouldn't be hard to find..
Thanks for your prompt responses. I'm looking forward to being able to do this! By the way, are these free tweeks? If not, how much would I be paying in USD? Thanks, Shersey

By James Dean on Friday, February 22, 2013 - 19:42

When I press the install Button in Cydia, the App appears to download, to the point that Cydia Says "complete." Flicking through tells a different tail, however. The text that follows is transcribed by me from Voiceover. Complete, heading. *swipe right* "Downloading Icon support." *Swipe right* "Done. Icon Support." *Swipe Right* "Http/1.0403This package is either paid or requires a paid package to function. If you already paid for this package, please try again later, or E-mail if this problem keeps happening. If you are trying to download a free add-on to a paid package, you must purchase that paid package first." Of course, the app is not on my phone, why am I getting this error? Nobody mentioned anything about Infinifolders being an add-on or part of a paid package.
Hi James. That's odd, because I had no problem on my iPhone 4S running 6.1 or again when I updated and re-jailbroke on 6.1.1 on Tuesday. I was getting some download errors last week when I guess there was high traffic in Cydia. I think the error code was HTTP/1.1 500 or something. Have you contacted the dev? I use a combination of Infinifolders and Folder Enhancer together, works nicely.