Free PDF reader for iOs

By Sabrina, 21 August, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

I have written a book on my iPad and have exported it into PDF.
Now, I need a reliable pdf reader that lets me read the book.
No computer, just an iPhone and iPad. That is all.
I would prefer a free one because my finances are not with me at the moment.
If needed, I can use a Focus 14 Blue braille display I have.



By OldBear on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 01:49

Have you tried exporting your pdf file to the Books app that comes with IOS. It is fully accessible and can display PDF files, among other formats.

By Sabrina on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 01:49

How do I navigate with a book. It is over 200 pages but it opens the :,huge documents.
I wrote it in chapters in Scrivener and and I have this huge pdf.
Also there is a bookmark feature but how do I use it?

By OldBear on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 01:49

There will be a button at the top, probably the second from the right, that is called Table of Contents. That will go to a screen that lists parts of the book.
I'm not sure how Scrivener will have handled that when it exported it, but it will, at leasts, list all your pages. Double tap a page, or press up and down together on the keyboard, to go to it.
Double tap the Resume button to go back to the document screen. At the bottome of the screen, there is a page selector control. You flick up and down or, I think, use up or down on the keyboard to change the page.
If you double tap the bookmarks button, it will place a book mark on the page you are on. Go back to the Table of contents, and the pages with bookmarks will say they have a bookmark.