Jango Radio - Streaming Music


Description of App

Jango Radio Mobile is a free, personalized radio service that plays
the best music by artists you love. Just start with the name of one of
your favorite artists, and Jango will create a custom station that
plays similar music. Or you can tune in to hundreds of expertly
programmed genre stations like Top 100, Hot in Hip-Hop, Indie Dance
Hits & more… It's unlimited free listening with No Audio Ads!

Already a Jango listener? Great. Just log in to access your existing
stations and create new ones right from your iPhone, iPod Touch or

“I’m in love with Jango” - USA Today
“Refreshingly simple online radio” - CNet
"Straightforward and easy to navigate" - Wall Street Journal
“Makes it fun to discover new music” - PC World

• Jango Radio Mobile Features:
• Free, unlimited listening on desktop and mobile
• NEW! No ad interruptions on mobile devices
• Create custom radio stations with the artists you love
• Tune in to 100’s of expertly curated stations in dozens of genres,
from Dance and World Music to Holiday compilations and hits by decade
• Explore new music by tuning in to similar stations
• Fine-tune your stations by adding the artists you want to hear or
changing the variety setting
• Share stations with your friends on Facebook and Twitter
• Listen as much as you want at low, medium or high quality
• Save stations to listen again on your device or at www.jango.com
• Available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Mostly accessible to use.


VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

This once was a pretty accessible app to use. For the most part it still is until you want to do a few things. For one on the Recent tab. To remove the Recent stations. You must find the Edit button. Which is easy to find but when one tap on this. It still says Edit. So it is like nothing has changed. However, when you now go to a particular station. You can now flick up to Remove it.

The other quirks are with in the Now Playing page. You will find an unlabeled button which seems to do the same thing as you tap on the Track Information which is found further down this page. The Track Information section is not very accessible at all. However, you hardly if at all would want to go in to this area.

The sound quality is alright. Even when set to the Highest quality. The quality still seems a bit low. Although, it almost makes it up when you will notice that you can skip a lot of songs without having a cap or an ads to listen.


Developer's Twitter Username



2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Holly 12 years 3 months ago



By Unregistered User (not verified) on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 07:48

The latest update *version 2.0) has improved accessibility.

I was able to create and gine tune a custom station, as VoiceOver now reads the artists list.

However, button labelling is still bad. For example, on the player screen the previous button is labelled 'cancel', the play/pause button is labelled 'edit', and the next button is labelled 'save'.

When fine-tuning a station each artist in the list has 2 buttons next to it: 'lst addbttn' and 'lst circleremovebtn'. The first of these will increase the frequency the artist is played, the second button will remove the artist from the station.

If you can tolerate these problems, the app is usable with VoiceOver.

By Music_fan on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 07:48

I had a chance to try Jango out with the i-phone and I really liked it. I would agree with the description I've seen posted here. There are some things you won't be able to do with this, but to me, the fact that I can listen to, rate songs either with a thumbs up or thumbs down, and the ability to skip songs I don't like is really nice. I had already used Jango on my home computer, so my station was already created. There are some problems you can experience with Jango even on the home computer and web sight, and these problems are not just unique to the i-phone. I would most definitely encourage giving it a try. You may like being able to customize your own songs, and to me, it's a neat way to learn about other music that's out there that your local radio stations may not play. It does this by looking at what other people have played to and tries to match it to your preferences, so the more you interact with it by rating songs, the better your matches will be. You don't have to interact with it if you have your hands occupied with other things or just don't feel up to messing with it, it just makes it better if you do because it can better match things you might like. If you try this, happy listening.
Found this app to be quite usable. using version 2.1. Can do all the same things as the previous commenters. Still have some mislabeled buttons, but works well. We love it here!

By Jen on Friday, January 11, 2013 - 07:48

There was an update for Jango in the app store, and everything seems to be working fine. I was a little concerned when I read that it was a "completely redesigned interface", but all the features are still accessible, the artist list reads fine, and the only minor glitch is that the two buttons below each artist could be labeled more clearly. But it's possible to figure things out, and overall, this is still a great app.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Friday, January 11, 2013 - 07:48

In reply to by Jen

So far, very good upgrade. Works well, has seemed to improve accessibility, and even has provided support for iphone 5 larger screen for those who have an iphone 5 and the larger screen.

By treky fan on Friday, January 11, 2013 - 07:48

I use jango on my pphone 4s. Is there a client i can download for my computer or is there some way I can lpsten to jango if my iphone is not with me?

By Roxann Pollard on Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 07:48

I just found this app today and I'm in love. Have tried others such as Pandora, Acuradio, etc., and I think I've just found my favorite app in Jango Mobile. I absolutely love the ability to have the unlimited skips. Usually I would expect this luxury in something that I've paid for, but not so in this lovely little gem. The only thing I can't figure out is how to purchase a song from iTunes. Any help is appreciated.

By Lorelei on Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 07:48

This app looks cool, but I wanted to ask a few things about it. First, one of the things I love about Pandora is that I can shuffle my stations, since I often don't really know exactly what I want to listen to. Second, is there a sleep timer? Third, is the selection just as good as Pandora's?

Thanks in advance for the info! :)

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 07:48

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

To answer some of the questions asked.

First, No I have not seen a way to purchase a song from iTunes. Which is very unusual as I'd imagine like most other radio apps such as this one. It does offer a way to purchase them. However, as there are some missing elements. I wonder if we just can't see them. At this point I have not seen a way to do it.

Second, yes there is a sleep timer with in the app. Although it isn't where you think you would find it. You have to tap on the Settings at the bottom right corner. Find the Sleep Timer and set it up that way. You would think it would be in the Now Playing area but it is not.

Thirdly, no there are no option for you to choose to shuffle from a variety of stations. In Jingo you only get one station that can be used at a time.

Lastly, are the playlist better than Pandora? That is a tough question. They do play different artist from each other for sure. Although, the ability to skip many artist at a time is very nice. They both offer pros and cons. I think in the end Pandora offer more in the way of functionality and being able to purchase Premium subscription for better sound quality.

Remember that this app is FREE to download and use. So you can always give it a try and decide for yourself. :)


By Roxann Pollard on Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 07:48

I know that you can purchase songs via iTunes or Amazon because their website indicates this fact. But, I think that you are right, in that, VO just can't see these purchase options. One of the things I like best, beyond the awesome music selections, is the fact that you have the unlimited skips, which was completely unexpected in a free app.

By Kathy Blackburn on Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 07:48

For quite some time, logging into Jango Radio through Facebook has been impossible. Although I can type in my phone number or email, the password editfield never becomes available when I double-tap it.