The Braille Connect 40 is no longer being sold.
The Braille Connect 40 has the keys in a letter v shape which forces the elbows out slightly. I couldn't type on my unit the first day I received it, but somehow I became accustomed to the layout by the next day. I understand the new modells have a horizontal layout.
I thought that I would not like the 3 buttons to either side of the braille display. However, Apple uses the six buttons just like the braille key plus spacebar combinations. It makes using them very simple. I rarely use the joy stick accept when selecting items on the rotar. It is tiny and difficult to use as a 4 way navigation contrrol. It is very good for moving many lines quickly and with more precise control than a whizz wheel. The 6 buttons to either side of the braille display serve well for most navigation tasks.
The bluetooth connectivity seems slightly more irratic than the other two displays that I tried. I find Apple's bluetooth connection for braille displays to be far more unreliable than any ear phone or headset that I have tried.
Over all, I really like this slim light weight 40 cell display. And it has a cool high tech look as well. I bought the carrying case from Executive Products. Though the previous owner of my display had devised an ingenius method for keeping the display secured in the original carrying case while standing.