In this podcast, Thomas Domville introduces us to Bookshare Reader, a recently released app for iOS devices that allows users to access and read books from the Bookshare library. The app is designed for individuals with print disabilities, such as blindness or low vision, and provides features such as text-to-speech, adjustable font sizes, and the ability to customize the reading experience. Users can search for and download books, as well as create and manage their own library of titles. The app also allows users to share books with other Bookshare members.
Key features:
- Listen to books in high quality audio
- Adjust reading speed, font size, and colors
- Follow along with highlighted text
- Navigate by page and chapter
- Stop reading and pick up from your last spot
- Download books and read offline
To use Bookshare Reader, you must have a Bookshare membership. Currently it is only available to members in the United States, with a wider rollout expected.