Is anyone else suddenly unable to use itunes on Windows with NVDA?

By Tree, 14 September, 2017


Is anyone else suddenly unable to use itunes, version 12.7, on Windows with NVDA? I use itunes on my Windows computer every day with NVDA and I normally have no issues. However, yesterday itunes became totally inaccessible to NVDA for me, and I'm trying to trouble shoot exactly what is going on here.

The issue started when I tried updating itunes to the latest version; as I was downloading the update, I ran out of room on my hard drive. The installer told me as much, so I canceled the download; however, the installer seemed to hang and have trouble when I hit cancel. I made some room on my hard drive and decided I would try again later. I then realized that itunes was not working.

It was like the app was totally inaccessible, I could not access any controls, alt does not bring up the menus, and object nav does not help. I assumed at this point that the app had been corrupted during my failed attempt at updating it. But then I realized that I was able to use the app normally with jaws. In fact, everything seems normal with the latest version of jaws. This is when I really started scratching my head.

I tried downloading a new copy of the current version of itunes, but that did not change anything. I then tried switching over to the latest version of NVDA, because I normally use an older version for reasons; itunes is still not accessible for me with the latest version of NVDA, although it's still working fine with jaws.

Of course, I have more things I can try, but I thought it would be best to first reach out and see if anyone else is having this issue with NVDA and itunes version 12.7. This is a very annoying issue for me, I use itunes all day long to listen to things while I work, and I really don't like jaws, so I'm not about to start using it just to access itunes.



By Jake on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 08:58

It's working fine for me, iTunes 12.7 and NVDA 2017.3. This machine is Windows 10 Pro though I don't think that would matter for iTunes. I mainly use iTunes for device recovery at work, but the other sections still read fine for me as well.

By HarmonicaPlayer on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 08:58

greetings i cannot use iTunes on my windows 7 64 bit version and NVDA. wrote apple accessibility and they said it would be passed to appropriate group.

By Serena on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 08:58

Hi, nope, everything appears to be accessible as normal here, running itunes 12.7, windows 10, NVDA 2017.3. seems as normal as far as i can see.

By Tree on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 08:58

I'm running windows 10 for the record. I'm thinking it must be something odd with my system, but I'm really not sure what. I tried cleaning out the itunes files and re-downloading the app, but I'm still having the same problem. HarmonicaPlayer , have you been able to use itunes with NVDA in the past, has it worked before? Could you look at it with jaws or Narrator to see if itunes works with other screen readers? I feel like it's more likely that my problem is with my copy of NVDA, not itunes, since it works fine with jaws.

By kool_turk on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 08:58

Everything works fine here.

Using windows 10 64 bit, plus the latest NVDA.

My iTunes is also the 64 bit version, so no idea what the issue could be.

Let us know if you discover the problem.

By ming on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 08:58

I found that I can not play music.
actually the music is playing.
but, it's seems mute!
and I can not get it back.
I'm using windows 10 64 bit! and NVDA as well.
and the other media player is working fine.

By Larry Thacker Jr. on Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 08:58

I am guessing iTunes recently updated. NVDA won't read anything anymore except if I move the mouse over it. Windows 10 64 bit with iTunes from Windows Store. Extremely frustrating. It even works with Narrator but not NVDA.

By AppleForAll on Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 08:58

Yep, I have the same issue. Yesterday iTunes notified me that there is an update waiting and I installed it. Now I can't use it anymore neither with NVDA nor JAWS.

By Clare Page on Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 08:58

Hi! It's true that the latest iTunes for Windows, version 12.9, doesn't work with the current full version of NVDA, 2018.2.1, but, at the time of writing, NVDA release candidates are being released before the release of NVDA 2018.3, and the latest release candidate, NVDA 2018.3 RC3, includes a fix for the accessibility problem NVDA users have experienced who have installed iTunes 12.9 recently. So you can either install NVDA 2018.3 RC3, as I have done on my 64-bit Windows 7 computer, or you can wait for the next full version of NVDA, 2018.3, which will probably be released quite soon, although I don't know the exact release date yet. Whichever you choose to do, iTunes 12.9 will become usable again with NVDA if you use the latest release candidate or the next full version. of this screen-reader.