Anyone else having problems with latest iTunes on Windows?

By Callum Stoneman, 27 January, 2014


Hi guys,
My grandad has a PC running Windows 7. He updated iTunes on it yesterday, and he says this latest version just doesn't open and only brings up an error message. I'm not too sure what the error message is.
I only use a Mac now, so can't test it myself, so I just wondered if any iTunes and Windows users have had the same problem with this latest version. If someone could also give us a way of fixing it, that would be great as well.
This latest iTunes works fine on the Mac by the way, so if you use a Mac it is safe to update.



By Clare Page on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

Hi! When I tried updating to the newest iTunes for Windows, a few days ago, I had errors too, both during the installation and when I tried to start the program, and the errors here were something to do with mobile device support. However, completely uninstalling iTunes, then installing the new one from scratch, made this work without any error messages. I only use iTunes for syncing my iPhone with my Windows 7 PC, so I don't know if a clean install of the new version would get rid of any other errors which might appear when trying to install a new iTunes over an old one. Errors during iTunes updates have never occurred for me till now, and I hope they won't in future.

By Jeffry Miller on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

just uninstall ITunes, and make sure you uninstall the apple files and the bonjure file as wel and reinstall it and you will be good to go.

By MarkSarch on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

In reply to by Clare Page

Hi Guys: I saw this error since previous iTunes version for Windows iTunes 11..1.3 and only occur when update directly when open iTunes. the current iTunes version iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows I don't know if still occur because the way how to figure out it is Download iTunes from the page save the download once is complete download select run or look from downloads folder open and select Run allows the changes and follow the iTunes directions and finally click finish. I'm running the current version 11.14 and I haven't any issues. there are couple changes on the music sorces the Radio Tap has move to the first tap regarding about accessibility looks okay personally I haven't seen any accessible changes. I use Windows 7, 64 Bits as well Window Eyes as screen reading. if you want to run the same version that have installed this will remove the version and may you have some issue to click the next button if you can't activate the next button I suggest wait until next iTunes version and follow the steps above. or reinstall the version.

By Callum Stoneman on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

Thanks everyone for all your responses. He deleted itunes then installed it again. It took a bit of fiddling about but it's working now. Thanks again!

By MarkSarch on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

In reply to by Callum Stoneman

Hi Callun great that you have fixed it now. however I will let you know that when delete or uninstall iTunes from the PC to install again could have syncing issues on the iOS device so practicly you use the same PC, same iTunes library but you will see under your iOS device under settings/ general/iTunes WiFi Sync two or twice the computer or name nothing happens just one small detail on one of the admon Computer name will be located the laters sync all the data and settings will be on the iOS device. and you couldn't delete one of them only doing Reset using iTunes BackUp will set just one admon PC name. again it isn't bad just one small detail.

By DPinWI on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

Since updating, my iPod Touch 4 doesn't seem to be fully recognized over USB. It's actng as if it's syncing over WiFi. Funny in that for a year or more, it wouldn't sync on WiFi, and had to be cabled to my computer. Right now, it's syncing extremely slowly, and I don't get the "check for updates" that should be there with a cable connection. I've rebooted both the PC and device. I can't wait for an iPod 6. Okay, I can wait, but I surely don't want to.

By sb on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

Hi All Should I be able to see my apps and move them around using ITunes? I'm using Jaws 15. It says Table Treeview and a lot of blank lists. Cheers Stephen
Hi Stephen working with JAWS and iTunes I am not sure what are you talking about, because you don't specific where have you seen this well but I guess who you are talking about when Sync your iOS device. okay so well let me say first of all that the iTunes program has Sorces Treeview the sorces treeview is the place where you find all kind of media that you want to see or is bette say that you want that iTunes show up navegating on this sorces treeview the commands are the follows: control + S F6 up or down arrow keys first letter navigation and to costumize that you want to iTunes show to you the command is control + , Pressing tap through navegate between check boxes and hit spacebar to select. syncing iOS device under devices sorces treeview you question regarding at apps navegating through the check boxes you select apps when you get apps table treeview should be able to see the apps using down arrow up arrow go to the previous item down arrow move to next item if you are not able to see the apps listed here is possible that you haven't transfer to the PC under devices sorces treeview per example your iOS device named Stephen iPhone hit application key located at the right site of spacebar starting from left to right will be on this order spacebar Alt application using arrow key look and hit transfer purchases

By Jen on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

I had the same problem with the most recent update. ITunes wouldn't even open for me at all. After trying a lot of things with no success, I did the following in this order. 1. Uninstall ITunes. 2. Uninstall Apple Software Update. 3. Uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support. 4. Uninstall Bonjure. 5. Uninstall Apple Application Support. 6. Download the latest version of ITunes. After I followed these steps, everything worked fine. ITunes opened up normally, my library was there in full, and I've had no trouble since. Here's a link to the discussion about it, if you want to read more.

By Josh C. on Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:05

I have the latest version of iTunes for Windows. It runs 5 or 6 additional processes in the task manager and quite a bit of memory even when iTunes isn't running. Is it necessary to have all these processes running when I'm not even running iTunes? Some of these processes include: iPodService.exe, iTunesHelper.exe, AppleMobileDeviceService.exe, MDNSResponder.exe, and probably a couple of instances of Svchost.exe. There's also another process that runs every once in a while with a name something like Acro32.exe. I'd like to stop iTunes from hijacking CPU and memory when I'm not using it.

By austinbrown001 on Sunday, April 20, 2014 - 19:05

This has been an issue with iTunes Version 11.1.4. You need to give iTunes an administrative privileges to fix this. Or you may also try to re-install iTunes. See for more information. Or download iTunes 11.1.5 which is available now from the Apple website.

By Jessica Brown on Sunday, April 20, 2014 - 19:05

Well it sounds to me like your usb cable is done. Get a new one.