I've hit a huge! huge huge huge! milestone.

By glassheart, 6 November, 2022

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

I just had to come up here and say how much I'm loving my new Apple Watch Ultra. I upgraded from the Series 4 to this bad baby, and let me tell you all one thing: it was so! so so worth it!

I really am not one to be much in shape at all. I'm about 230LBS, 5FT 6, but the doctors tell me I really honestly should probably be more like just barely over 200. Plus, I get very winded over just the smallest little bit of movement/exercize. I chose the Ultra mainly for 2 reasons: One being that I also have a really profound hearing loss, and though I do wear hearing aids which helps, it's so nice having the option of the dule speakers in the watch, making Voiceover all the more louder. I'd not by any means say it's as loud as the speaker can go on my iPhone 13 Pro Max, but it's definitely very very doable for me, even when not! wearing my hearing aids, so, that's saying something.

The other reason is getting back however to the point I made earlier. I'm really really very sedentary in nature, which definitely probably doen't help matters, and plus, I definitely admit, I've not been living the most healthy lifestyle choices.

So, I'm really really excited now to have this watch. Don't get me wrong. The Series 4 kind of, sort of worked, but to be frankly honest, I found that the hardware sensors in the thing didn't really seem to do all that great.

I found that no matter how hard I tried getting accurate readings pushed down to my Health app, is just wasn't happening. True, a lot of it was my laziness, I won't deny it, guilty as charged, and I do take responsibility for stating that fact with humility. But, I still do think some of it was the older hardware to blame.

Now, in making such a huge jump from the 4 to the Ultra, I'm seeing a huge, and I do mean, huge! improvement. Not only that, but I am feeling so much more energetic throughout the day! I used to sleep almost constantly during the day, sometimes upwards of literally speaking 10 to 12 hours at a time. I know, right? Probably sucks to be me, you'd say. But ever since two days ago, last Friday when I got this watch, it's hardly left my wrist. I'm getting much more regular sleep, staying up throughout the day, and actually feeling wonderful! I am subscribed as of last Friday to Phitness Plus, and love! love love love love! how Voiceover with my phone automatically reads to me descriptions of each workout I choose to complete. Heck! It even reads the Apple Plus audio Mindfulness meditation sessions, if there be anything involved which needs description. It's absolutely incredible!

I added water intake to the summary screen of my health app, and installed the Waterminder app on my phone, and watch. I'm now not only being reminded each hour on my wrist to drink more water, but I'm even actually now enjoying! this.

Some of this may be a psychological thing, but I really am truly starting with the help of my new watch to form better habbits. For example, today for lunch, I normally would have had 3 or 4 hot pockets in one sitting, yeah, no joke! Then, usually, I'd drink 1 or 2 cans as well of diet soda.

This morning, I simply just had a bowl of sugar-free cinnamon toast crunch cereal with 1 percent milk, and a glass of water, then for lunch, I just had a small bowl of Campbell's cream of mushroom and garlic soup, and another glass of water. That's all I had, and yet, I felt totally full, and absolutely great afterward and had no more hunger pangs.

I truly think this watch is going to be a life changer for me... I even today for the 2nd consecutive day in a row have almost closed all 3 of my rings. I only have 25 percent left to go on my standing ring goal, and once that's done, which I know at the rate I'm going, I'll easily enough hit by the end of the day, given it's only barely after 2PM here, that'll be it, and all 3 rings will be closed. Not to toot my own horn here, as believe you me, I'm very humbled when I say this but, I am so proud of myself!

Only time will tell, but at this point, I'm really really siked to see where this watch helps take me with my health. I know it's not the answer to better and more healthy lifestyle choices, and that it's only a tool, but I'm really happy that I do have it as one of my resources.

Sorry to ramble on, guys, but man! I just had to celebrate this milestone, and hope you all will join me in doing so as well.



By Andy Lane on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 13:47

Hey, thats incredible that you’re getting so much benefit from the Ultra. Remember consistency is what changes a life but you probably already know that. I got the series 8 and although I don’t have the health issues you are struggling with it’s still motivating me to close my rings and walk further. It’s such a massive step up from the series 3 I had previously, that was nothing but a frustration. Slow, sluggish and annoying. The 8 is the watch I’ve always wanted. The only thing they could make even better is when notifications come in and I tap the face, I’d like it to wake a lot quicker. Other than that it’s perfect for what it is. Congratulations on your changes again. It must feel really great.

By ming on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 13:47

yeah maybe I am going to get it later

By glassheart on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 13:47

Hey guys. Thank you tremendously for such kind words of encouragement! Andy, you are so right in what you say about consistency, and Oliver, you're right as well about just considering things as a small stumble, but not something I should beat myself up, or bully myself over just for missing one workout once in a while. I agree; the key is to stick with it as much as I can. Naturally, my body will tell me when I'm either doing too much, or am pushing to that limit slowly but surely.

For example, I've noticed today that my lower back is slightly hurting. I know none of you here are doctors and can't give medical advice, nor am I asking for you to, but it's nothing I can't tollerate, but that said, it was sore enough from my 30 minute indoor walks I've been doing that I have chose today to not probably do a 30 minute walk, but maybe just instead go for 10 or 15. I don't want to totally just not do it, but maybe 30 was a bit much. Though it felt great, I feel that I also need to listen to my body. If it's telling me to slow down a little bit, then I need to honor that, or else I'll pay for it later. LOL!

By gailisaiah on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 13:47

Hello Glassheart! Keep up the great work! I do not have an Apple Watch but had to chime in after reading your post. Wow! What a great job you are doing. Best of luck to you in your continuing fitness success! Cheers and clapping hands!

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 13:47

Hello glassheart. First of all, I wish to add my congratulations to making some very fabulous changes in your life. Yes, the shiny new toy you have is nothing more than a tool. Your endeavors to become healthy and active certainly does come from inside, but having the right tools in your hands will make a big difference. remember, you didn't get where you are overnight, nor will you get where you want to be overnight, either. Everything in this life is a process. The only thing that you are really responsible for is the choices that you make in every 24 hours. The poor choices you made yesterday, and the poor choices or the better choices that you make tomorrow, you can't do anything about those. All you can do is be responsible for the now that you are in. Oliver and others are correct, if you stumble, that's what it is. It is not the end of the world. Pick yourself up, refocus your goals, and move forward. our flesh is lazy. It would rather that we sleep 12 hours a day, eat potato chips and cookies, and never touch a vegetable. But, you are not your body. You are you, you are in control of your body by controlling it with your mind. What ever you tell your flesh to do, it will do. Keep pressing on my friend. I am on this journey, alongside you. I use my Apple Watch three, frustrating, as many have said, but it is the tool that I have at the moment. I am so proud of you, though you've only been on this new path for such a short time. Excellent work! Keep pressing on!

By Lily Rose on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - 13:47

Oh, I just love reading all these product reviews! I honestly think the Ultra sounds a bit intense, especially compared to my poor old series 3 which is just fine, but yes it was still interesting reading the review! Thanks for posting this!

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 13:47

As a Psych Major, I might be able to help. you shouldn't compair yourself to others but to your past self, ya know. Plus, and I'm going to go all the way psychological here--proximal goals are short-term ones which can lead to distal goals. those are in the future, so note the words proximal for right around the corner and distal goals are in the distance. If you'd like to read a book which might not even be in circulation any more, please read Reeve et al--that means and others--book "Understanding Motivation and Emotion." this is an educational text. however, it might help you become more motivated. it talks about goal setting, what the thirst and hunger cycles are, and so on. did you know that if you drop below 2% of thirst, you're actually thirsty? If you've read anything about the body, and the endocrine system, you'd know there's a hunger cycle as well. I'm not a doctor and don't want to be. However, Grellin allows you to be hungry, and Leptin allows you to be fulll. It's better to slow down when eating, allowing that Leptin level to rise and naturally satisify you. Once again, if you need any help on motivation and all, please contact me. If I have your number, I could add you to the walkie talkie app on my Watch version 2. let's hope it's still "new enough" to work correctly--it's seven years old.
Ashleigh Piccinino
P.S. This is for the first respondant on this thread. However, for those of you who can see, what do the rings look like, chain links? I imagine them as such, split apart ... or the Olympic Rings you might see every four years/almost certainly do. also for the first respondant, Gentler Streak was supposed to be installed on your watch as one of the starter apps. Motivation, which is a series of daily quotes, was supposed to be another one. I'm not saying you have to install these, but I would and pay for them when they ask.