deleting a timer

By Siobhan, 11 December, 2022

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Hi all. Not sure if this is already up, if so, tell me and I'll remove this post. Simple enough, can you delete a timer? I tried it out on my watch, now I see a 1:00 button, meaning it was the time I'd set. I can't find an option to remove it, just favorite it or activate neither of which i want to do. I would love to know how to do that. Thx



By Ashleigh Piccinino on Monday, March 27, 2023 - 05:11

I'm a brand new owner of an older watch, of course from Apple. while learning about the watch in general, I like many features so far. I'll check yours out and see if you can remove the alarm/timer. In fact, I'll check the alarms right now for you. with a swipe down on the alarms swcreen itself when an alarm's posted, you have toggle alarm and activate. Now, let's look into how to edit the alarm. once you get into that page, of course after swiping down to the default action of activate, VoiceOver will first give you the heading of the page. It says you're about to "edit alarm" and notifies you can go back. on the first swipe to the right--crown down if using the dc navigation--, "change time" and the value is read. next, "repeat" and its value is read. next, "Label" and its value is read. a hint is given here to "double-tap to dictate label for alarm." This assumes the hints are turned on--should be by default but don't remember. anyway, "snooz" is next read with its setting currently and a hint. That's all for the alarm, so sorry if you can't delete it. You know what's there now, so just do what to turn off the alarm? Of course, you don't have to read through all this as it's not a quiz. However, if it were, "toggle alarm" would be the correct answer. When you do that, you would find off and on, just as you do on the iPhone without first having to move to that action. I hope this helps, and another such thing will be for the timers soon. I need to figure it out first, though.