I am always looking to share my activity with others plus it gives me people to talk too with walky talky so if you want to add me you can I did tweet my icloud address so I don't care if I put it here its lightsrage@icloud.com feel free to share your activity with me I will do so in return and I do do competitions. can you compete with more than one person? I want to get a competetion going between my friend and my husband and see out of the three of us who wins but it appears you cannot do that thats sad. so I did a competition with each of them. for now till I can consult the apple watch userguide for more information I look forward to talking to more of you please imessage me to let me know who each of you are that decide to share activity with me so i can add you to my contacts.
By Jennifer Kent, 19 December, 2018
watchOS and Apple Watch Apps