Unable to deactivate voiceover in tvOS16 on AppleTV 4th gen.

By MrBrokenEyes, 15 September, 2022

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

Previously, when I would begin a program or play music on my AppleTV 4th gen, I’d just triple-click the HOME button or ask SIRI to turn off voice so it wouldn’t interrupt during playback. Since upgrading to tvOS16, doing so turns voiceover off, only to have it instantly turn back on. This makes watching streaming services impossible.

Any ideas?



By Cary on Sunday, October 9, 2022 - 22:08

This is also happening to me as well... I often turn voiceover off when I'm streaming, and it's doing the same thing. It's quite annoying, and makes streaming shows on certain apps virtually impossible. Come on apple, quit breaking your software. :(

By MrBrokenEyes on Sunday, October 9, 2022 - 22:08

I’ve tried turning voiceover off in the accessibility menu and even resetting my AppleTV. Voiceover just turns back on automatically and won’t turn off. I hope it’s fixed in 16.1, because right now, all I’ve got is a $300 paperweight.

By MrBrokenEyes on Sunday, October 9, 2022 - 22:08

It seems that enhanced and premium voices are the problem. If you switch to a basic voice, you can turn VO on and off. Weird bug but it’s a fix until Apple sort out the issue.

By Bo on Sunday, October 9, 2022 - 22:08

Thanks for the premium voice tip. I'll give it a try.

Anyone else notice that, when streaming music, if lyrics are shown, VO reads them all? No option to kill it. this is where I discovered I can't turn VO off.