Need help deciding what Apple TV size to get?

By Misfits, 5 January, 2025

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

Thinking of getting not Apple TV and see that the 4K are the cheaper models. However, I would like to hear from users which size they have and why. I THINK all I will be doing is your typical streaming apps, but I don't know what else the Apple TV has to offer that is both accessible and fun. Thank you for any feedback.



By Oliver on Thursday, January 9, 2025 - 22:44

The storage is irrelevant for us. It might be useful for those who play games but, considering that there are very few games, if any, that are accessible on the apple TV, it's not important.

I think the more important question is if you need the LAN port which is only available on the more expensive version. If you have a solid wifi network, you'll be fine with the cheaper version. If you have hard wired internet using LAN throughout your property, then maybe you'd want the more expensive version.

It is true a new version is coming out soon but we don't know when, and we don't know if there are going to be any significant upgrades. I suspect it will merely be a refresh of the processor and maybe a price drop to compete more with fire sticks and google TV. There is talk of an integrated camera at some point, but then there are also rumours about an apple TV being built into a soundbar.

The nice thing about apple products is that they hold their price quite well in teh second hand market. You could wait for the new version to come out, but you could be waiting months, or you could get one now and be enjoying it. For us, I really dont' think there will be any significant upgrades this year.

In short, the cheaper current version will be fine, unless you have wifi issues and use a LAN across your home, in which case, get the more expensive one with the LAN port.

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, January 9, 2025 - 22:44

Make sure you check amazon to find a nice deal.