Hi! I have a fourth generationapple t v. I want to ask how can i donload anhanst Voices in Apple TV like i have in my VoiceOver on my iPhone? I went to VoiceOver in settings, general, accessibility, VoiceOver, speach. There i see the voices but, wen i choose them i don't se anny button of download. I am mess some thing?
HQ voices
Hi there! Unless there's something new that I don't know about yet, the only new voice you can get is Alex. all you do is press the touch pad on your remote; it will download and then start using whatever voice you choose that way. As I said, though, the only new voice they've added that could even remotely be considered high quality is Alex. So, if you're hoping for Ava, Tom or one of the siri voices, you'll probably be disappointed. Hope this helps.