frustrated with changes to TV OS 17.2

By Missy Hoppe, 12 December, 2023

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

I just updated my apple TV boxes, and wish I hadn't done so. In fact, I wish I would have just turned off updates for the Apple TV altogether. I heard rumors about changes that were coming, but wanted to at least try to keep an open mind. The separate apps for movies and TV shows no longer do anything. If you open them, they simply tell you to go to the new TV app, which makes me wonder why Apple didn't just remove them altogether, or at least give us the ability to remove them. The layout of the TV app is OK, I suppose, but navigation in the store portion of it in particular is still a real chore with VO. Also, my movie wish list which I've been building for almost 10 years now appears to no longer exist. If I could restore my apple TV boxes to TV OS 17.1, I would most defnitely do that, and then I'd turn off updates. Sadly, I don't think downgrading is something I have the skill set to do. Maybe after a few more updates, the new way of doing things will be fully functional, but for now, it's nothing but a giant disappointment.



By Jim D on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 22:20

Missy and others:

I totally agree! I'm really disappointed that the TV Shows app and Movie app are no longer supported. These were really usable and quite accessible. The TV app, not so much so. If you go to Library, then select either TV or Movies, all of your content should still be available, but it is certainly more difficult to find. I called Apple Accessibility support yesterday and expressed my frustration with this change. The support agent told me to use the app on my iPhone and then just stream content to my Apple TV. The whole point of using the Apple TV is to relax and get away from the phone. Also, when playing content on the phone, rewinding and fast forwarding content is not nearly as simple as it is with the tv. Really frustrating!
If you are as disappointed with this change with this as I am, I would encourage you to contact Apple.

By Troy on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 22:20

I switched to fire tv along time ago and haven't regredited doing so. I don't have time to be performing a million gestures just to make the thing accessible. Ain't got time for that! Ever since tv os11 the apple tv has gone down hill. Just my oppinion.

By Brian on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 22:20

What Troy said.