Found how to close apps with touch off on new Siri remote for Apple TV

By Joe, 28 January, 2022

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

I recently bought a new Apple TV 4K with a new Siri remote. I didn't particularly like touch navigation with the ring. Crazy enough I found myself missing the old remotes bigger touch area. Anyway I still think the remote is better than the old remote just don't like the ring button for touch navigation. This led me to turn off touch navigation within settings. I don't have a new problem how do you close apps in the app switcher? When using VoiceOver it still tells you to use the rotor and flick up this obviously doesn't work since I've disable touch navigation. After playing around with different button combinations I finally figured out how to close apps from the app switcher with touch off. You just press up twice. I'm hoping Apple can change the verbiage in VoiceOver as they should be able to detect if the touch setting is off.
