seeking accessible blood pressure monitor

By nohansa nuh, 22 November, 2019

Smart Home Tech and Gadgets

hello guys, seeking accessible blood presure monitor for iOS,
thanks and advance.



By Jeff on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:49

Like Oliver, I have a talking blood pressure monitor. It does have a memory for storing BP history, but I want some way to get the info to my doctor without having to take the monitor with me when I visit his office.

I tried the Apple Health app, but it was awkward and required entering pulse separate from blood pressure. So, I'm currently using the MyMedical app. It does have a template for storing blood pressure and pulse in the same record which I can enter manually and the data can be exported in plain text via email. This works because I can send myself the email then copy the data into a MyChart message to my doctor.

But I'd be interested in hearing about other apps for tracking blood pressure/pulse and/or a monitor that interfaces with an accessible iOS app.

By jane suh on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:49

I use the Qardio arm blood pressure monitor..
It is connected through Bluetooth, with an app that is accessible.
I just checked on the Amazon site, here in the US. there is a cheaper option.
Greater Goods Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor Cuff, Smartphone Connected Health Monitoring for Home Use

By OldBear on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:49

I also have the Qardio Arm. It works well and the app was accessible the last time I used it.
It measures pulse and can detect an arrhythmia, which was what I was more interested in.

By Frankd on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:49

I purchased a Cardio Arm some time ago but discarded it as it was judged too inaccurate to be useful by my hypertension clinic. Based on the clinic's advice I replaced it with an Omron device.
The model I selected was the BP786. This unit logs BP readings for up to two users and can transfer BP readings to an idevice via blue tooth. The campanion app, Omrom Connect, can be used to print a group of selected readings or, alternatively,can be used to email the readings to a physician.
In terms of accessibility I had to get sighted assistance to setup the unit and pair the blue tooth connection. The basic app is a little frustrating to use but with a little patience and trial and error is sort of useable with voiceover.

By J.P. on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:49

I have OMRON like Frank’d. Mine is a wrist 7 series BP654. Fully accessible. Auto sync allows you to not have to transfer to OMRON Connect app. App is fully accessible. They annoy with premium purchase options which can be ignored.
There are 3 buttons. Two round and one oval. The oval is Power/Start, Center is Bluetooth connection, last is to transfer, which isn’t necessary with auto sync. Unit also has auto shutoff.
Very accurate. Tested in Dr office with good results. OMRON is what Drs in states recommend.

By nohansa nuh on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 07:49

ok guys, thanks for the answer and suggestion.
undfortunatly IM liv on indonesia, wich amazon dozen support shiping to my country.