questions about the blink doorbell

By Troy B, 29 April, 2024

Smart Home Tech and Gadgets

I'm thinking of getting a blink doorbell, how accessible is the app?

Also is it easy to set up to use with alexa?

I'm going to want to use the doorbell without wiring it because I've never had any doorbell and I don't have anybody who would know how to wire one for me so if anybody has any comments regarding this I'd certainly appreciate hearing them.

If someone comes to the door and I want to know who it is before I open the door how would I do this? Both using the app and alexa please.

Troy B



By Brad on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 23:14

If it's anything like the ring doorbell, you have to connect that through bluetooth and then atach the push button part to the door with screws, i'm not sure how though.

I'm only going off of the ring doorbell here but I'm quite sure once someone comes up to your door it alerts you with a sound, you can then speak to and see them through the camra but I don't know how accessible that is or how exactly it works.

I hope you get better answers than this because I'd like to buy one myself once I move out.

Is there any reason you went with this one over the ring doorbell? I've never heard of it, is it a new company?

By Troy B on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 23:14


I talked to a cousin of mine the other day and he mentioned the blink doorbell and said it'll do what I need it to do, and more important it's cheaper than the ring doorbell. According to him, and from what I've found out so far on my own the blink only cost around $50 whereas the last time I priced the ring it was close to $200.

I had never heard of the blink before my cousin mentioned it, and it doesn't make a lot of sense that it works just like the ring and is so much cheaper so I'm just trying to find out more about it. I have heard from one person who uses a blink and he pretty much confirmed what my cousin told me but he wasn't a lot of help otherwise.

Oh and my cousin told me that the blink can be used either wired or wireless and again from the research I've done this appears to be the case.

By Brad on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 23:14

Well I hope someone can help you.