accessible smart kitchen devices?

By Falco, 16 November, 2018

Smart Home Tech and Gadgets


I am wondering if someone uses smart kitchen devices.

Like a smart instant pot:

Are the companion apps accessible?
Are there other good smart kitchen devices that are usefull?




By eclectica on Monday, December 10, 2018 - 07:55

I just purchased the Amazon Basics microwave that works with Alexa and have been using it for the past two days. It is not controlled with an app, but with voice instead. I love it, and it works well. Can't beat an accessible microwave for $60 (plus the cost of the Echo, of course)!

By mendi on Monday, December 10, 2018 - 07:55

I use the bluetooth instant pot and love it! The app is accessible, at least the dashboard part. Admittedly, I have not tried out the recipes portion, but it appeared it was accessible as well. I've heard of a bluetooth electric kettle that would allow you to control the water temperature, but I've not had experience with it. Very interesting topic.

By Chuck Winstead on Monday, December 10, 2018 - 07:55

This isn't something in a kitchen, but It's something you'd cook with.
I've played around with the companion app for the masterbuilt smokers. Seems to be accessible.
The bluetooth kettle does sound nice. That and the amazon microwave.

By Troy on Monday, December 10, 2018 - 07:55

Regarding the amazon basics microwave I know you set it up with the alexa app, I'm getting mine tomorrow, a guy on youtube just did an unboxing and he said you had to hold in the 2 button on the microwave, are the buttons so we would be able to feel them to preform this action?

By Pyro2790 on Monday, December 10, 2018 - 07:55

Chuck you reminded me of the app I helped you assess for the masterbuilt smokers. Those seem to be accessible although I don't actually own the smoker to pair the device with. If your curious about the accessibility, look up the app that comes with the hardware and download it from the app store, quickly flick through and see if the controls are read with voice over. If it announces all the buttons and they are clearly labeled then the app should be fairly accessible. I'm sure others have recommendations, but I know I helped chuck on a previous thread by downloading the app and examining the controls to see if they were VoiceOver accessible. Its a fairly quick, 5 to 10 minute process at most, and will generally tell you if the app was designed with accessibility in mind or if it is not usable at all with VoiceOver. If the buttons aren't labeled clearly and can be activated with a double tap then I would say its a no go.